Out of Asia theory

This theory really fascinates me especially as an Asian with an archeologist family. I never truly bought into the ‘Out of Africa’ theory and now with increasing evidence rising many other scientists, geneologists and archeologists change their opinions on it. But at the end of the day without time travel nobody will truly know. Here are some cool links that I found with evidence.


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They keep flip flopping on this issue. Asia was the old established theory before Africa, and now more and more papers are coming out in support of Asia. The issue is that they are trying to find a single origin point when it is not that simple.

There are at least seven different members of the Homo genus, all of which split off and existed at the same time as other members, before breeding back into stronger groups or getting killed off. Much like the Neanderthals. To make matters more complex, humanids left the cradle on at least two separate occasions, once before the Great Leap and once after it. It is perfectly plausible that the Great Leap did not just result in a single pocket surviving, but that other groups also existed in parts of Eurasia. It is also possible that there was more than one evolutionary bottle-neck like that but that the others are unknown due to the relative rarity of fossils. To put matters into perspective, it is statistically unlikely that any fossils of modern humans will ever be formed.

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I kind of agree. I often wonder if there was more than one country of origin of man. Sometimes I think that European, Asians and Africans evolved from their respective continents and then intermingled.

There is alot of theory amd speculations in the article with only a small amount of data but that seems to be it at this point.

From what the article was saying it may be awhile before some areas that could provide insight into gaps if explored will be accessible.

I have a lot more links showing much more evidence to prove the out of asia theory or at disprove out of africa. So many archeologists are changing their perspective on it, my father included.

:man_shrugging: I’m not gettin into that pool of info for now just pointing out what i saw. Got enough on my plate with vedic astrology and the runes.

These types of debates can go on forever mostly cause of the lack of data to take it past theory in alot of cases and the differing assumptions and evidence found by various people.

You know what I kind of agree. At the end of the day we’ll never truly know without time travel, where the origin of mankind truly came from. Heck, it could be aliens.

That is a whole other can of worms :rofl:
For example if you are talking about what modern people consider alien than almost every major spiritual entity of the various traditions in the past fit into this in one way or another.
The majority of them were condisered to live in other worlds or spheres or dimensions outside our own.

I totally agree. When I was a kid I wanted to get impregnated by an alien.

Do you think that the virgin Mary could have been impregnated by an alien?

No, but then the various evidence that has crossed my path over the years points to “jesus” being at best a spiritual entity of some kind and not a generally positive one considering how that religion effects the mind and at worse a character of fiction.

Yeah when you think about it he could have had some influence into the book written about him. This perfect, all loving being who accepts everyone and heals the sick but who subtly hints that being gay is bad thus creating turmoil for everyone in the future who isn’t cis, straight, male or white.

I think people should be aware that different humans originated from different areas. The kind of thinking that there can be only one cradle of civilization is limiting.

I know right. It also gives some Africans a sort of sense of entitlement. Like I’ve seen people right ‘as an African woman just know that the whole world runs through you and nobody would be here without Africa’ like bitch no! Heck, there’s even a freakin’ movie about it, Children of Men. The director literally changed the race of the main character to be black to be part of this dumb outdated theory. Like African vaginas are the key to the secret of life or something.

This would be the overinflated human ego at work.

I’m not going to discuss racial superiority here.

Thank you so much. You’re literally the only person who has agreed with me on this.

I’m not trying to be racially superior. I don’t think that South Asians are the best race.

Lol we’re having an interesting debate here which means @Lady_Eva is gonna come and close and unlist it.

I find the entire cult of christ or their socio-psychopath of desert spirit rather unappealing.

Considering that one of the main assumptions you have to buy into the cult of the cross either consciously or unconsciously is that humans from the moment they come into existence are both flawed and sinful thus evil and deserving of hell and the only way to avoid thay fate is to cow tow and bow down to said figure heads and said lunatic in the sky begging him for forgiveness.

As a side note for dealing with door to door cult recruiters. If ya wanna leave them clueless ask them to convince you of their cult without any references to their cult text of preference. As their base assumption for this is the text is the “word and truth of god” if you do not have this assumption and thus any dialog or debate anchored in it to try an convince of this is fruitless.