Orias - Showing Signs Of Contact ?!


Could a demon such as Orias show signs/syncronicities that it is present, and with you ? Just to explain, I have not done a invocation/evocation on Orias , but recently tried opening the Abramelin Square (last Friday)which is apparently governed by Oriens aka Orias

What happened was today I encountered a several interesting observations (a) a discarded toy horse on the street which strangely caught my attention (b) massive lion statue while lunching at the park ,which I have never at before.

I didn’t really give much thought of the above horse/lion connection , until after I researched Orias/Oriens in greater detail after my lunch today, and it appears that both are associated with Orias i.e. Orias is depicted as a Lion riding a horse.

Pure overthinking on my part ?! Or something tangible ? If tangible is this something positive ?


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Anyone ?


Bump , not even one thought?

I once found the advice to, indeed, pay attention to such things as the entities communicate also in this way.
That is also like trusting and “faking it until you make it”, other magickal advices… So yes, it was likely Orias.


Thank you, fapa79 . Interesting perspective :slight_smile:

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