Hey Asenath,
I wanna purchase your books but I’m wondering which order should I read them in.
Hey Asenath,
I wanna purchase your books but I’m wondering which order should I read them in.
Start from Draconian Ritual Book because this is an introduction to all my other books. Then simply read what you feel drawn to. Books that form a sequel are Rites of Lucifer and Awakening Lucifer, and then Qliphothic Meditations and Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations. The rest can be read in a random order.
Is it absolutely mandatory to begin with draconian ritual book
Many Dark Blessings of our Lord and Father Lucifer!
I wanted to order the Lucifer Chronicles but I seen that the book is not in stock…will there be anymore copies made…I would like a copy, please let me know! Thank you!
@Asenath_Mason thanks for explaining that you strongly recommend the Draconian Ritual book as the starting place for your books. I am going to buy “Rites of Pleasure” so I will buy and read Draconian Rituals first. Thanks again for explaining. Hail Lilith!