Oracle for taking action

This is a question directed deck collectors. What is the best tarot/oracle/divination tool for deciding what action to take?

To be specific on the type of question I would be asking: “What should I do to move towards [goal]?”. For some goals I am completely lost on what I should be doing to help it manifest.

So far I think the best tool is the I Ching. However it is a little too big picture and more gives general strategy. What I’m looking for is something that if I have free time but have no clue how to move forward, I could sit with the deck for a bit and then immediately jump into action after. Something that could help create a to do list.


I think you should use the deck or Oracle you feel most connected to. Don’t overthink it. You can even just sit down, try to be quiet, meditate and try to get the answer.

I have four decks, Obi(coconut oracle) , Diloggun(cowry shells oracle) and iChing but I usually use two decks and Obi. I feel most connected to them.


The normal deck of cards is the best one as because it’s the exact mirror of the tree of Life and death



Do have any peculiar book (or other source) on reading playing cards that you’d recommend?