Oomancy refers to divination by eggs. An example would be the oracular reading of the shapes that a separated egg white forms when dropped into hot water. This appears to be similar to methods of molten lead divination, which ascribe meaning to the shapes and forms into which hot lead solidifies.
Thanks man,interesting concept,gonna try this.
This is brilliant stuff, and so easy and accessible, thanks!!
The vegans are right its chicken period, but since human period blood is one of the most powerful magical thing to use. A chicken period as to be powerful too.
(sorry, I had too )
Actually have done an egg cleanse and few years ago worked quite well
Quick question I just attempted Oomancy with
this guide, are the eggs supposed to float?
Egg float when they’re off, it’s a good test since use by dates are often excessively cautious, gas builds up inside and causes floating. So if the eggs were fresh, floating afterwards if in their shell would indicate accelerated decay, a sign of them having removed negative energy, if they were cracked this may also be the case with gas inside the egg.
This is guesswork based on cookery knowledge though not authoritative spiritual experience, I don’t recall seeing an egg float after doing this.
Actually it correlates with the “cookery knowledge”.
I was just confused all the images I seen where of turm floating