On "Path Notes of an American Ninja Master" and its claims

I recently read “Path Notes of an American Ninja Master” and was intrigued by the author’s descriptions of the effects of kundalini activation on the body, such as increased physical strength and slowed breathing and heart rate. However, I haven’t found others reporting similar effects from kundalini activation. Can anyone provide additional explanations?

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The author completed the kundalini, he didn’t “activate” it. That is the difference.

The kundalini is a permanent energy circuit, but if you look around, most of the people who talk about “kundalini activation” describe only a partial rising, not a full one. Even well known energy workers like Robert Bruce, who claims in his books to have risen his kundalini over seventy times, haven’t actually completed it. If you can “raise” your kundalini more than once, then it means you have never finished the circuit and caused permanent change.


That’s actually so helpful and answers a question I haven’t even asked.

Thank you very much for bringing this aspect to my attention, which I was completely unaware of. If I may bother you again, I would like to ask if combining, initially, kap sessions or a shakti and then continuing with the Morris’s method could be useful and accelerate the process.

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