On money work and requesting help from Spirits

So I haven’t been for long and I am by no means an expert. However, I have been and am still desperate for money. One of the things I learnt on this forum is that sometimes, you need to stop obssessing about what you want or what you think you need and start focusing on what you can have and what you can have fast to fix your problem.
For example, I need 2000 euros to pay my debts to my bank, I wasted one month trying to find rituals to get some money when I have no job and no source of income. All this time, I could have focused on getting my banker to give me like 5 months (for example) to pay him. With this time, I could have focused on getting a well-paid student job. I have skills and get along with people quite well, so with help from the right spirit, it could have been easy to find one.
What I’m saying is if there is something you need or think you need, check to see the other, maybe more realistic, options you have, so that you won’t waste your time like I did.


*Haven’t been here

I am finding that the Law of Attraction is far more reliable when it comes to money than asking spirits. When you get rid of the desperation and attachment, the “I need this amount by this date” type thinking, money tends to show up in some way.

I’m still learning to be consistent with it though.


I understand what you mean. This is my main problem. I tend to get to things too late, so I am struck with desperation and attachment, so it doesn’t work. I am still working on that.


Could it be that they don’t place the same value on it that we mortals do?

I personally don’t ever ask for money, I work on the skills and the right opportunities to bring it forth rather.I feel like that is a more valuable lesson they teach me.


Yes, I totally agree. I used to want money, like I asked them to make me win the lottery or something like that but now, I prefere to ask for some more time to make money. Cause time, it is a wish easily granted. Your boss gets a change of mind or get into an accident so he can’t fire you right away or your bank lost your file and can’t ask you money and so on. Time is much easier to ask for than money and results come much faster.

Personally, I think we humans make it much harder to obtain money than it really needs to be. Once you get it out of your head that you have to “work hard for your money” and realise that money is actually not a scarce commodity at all, it tends to show up unexpectedly.

The problem is getting out of the mindset that the vast majority of us have been in all our lives, that having a lot of money is bad, and that it is hard to come by.

Like the saying goes, money is a great servant, but a terrible master. Too many of us treat money like a god, putting it on a pedestal and begging and pleading for its appearance in our lives. Money is a spirit, and like any spirit, treat it with respect but don’t bend your knee to it, and it will flow into your life in greater and greater amounts.


You are right. We tend to think that money runs the world and it is like a gift and that not everyone can get that gift. I think this is what blocks me, I think that I want to make a tonload of money and need grear skills or great ideas and it blocks abudance from flowing to me. And it is the same for most people but is useful for all companies to use it to sell us books and films and so on on how to make money. Because if they truly wanted us to make money, they would make it easy for us to understand how it works and how to make it work for us

My only input on this is the use of a money veve from vodou (Found in EA’s work the spider and the green butterfly), draw it out and bind it to you through bodily fluid and carry it with you in your wallet/purse always. I have never become rich using it but I ALWAYS seem to have money when needed via many random situations happening in a row.


That look interesting, it helps make money energy flows through you. Do you think, you could teach me or explain to me how to do it, since I cant buy any of EA’s books ?
I am starting to think that all the money works I have done are beginning to work since I have received many great advices about money and how to get some of blockages or negative emotions stopping me from manifesting money and I am just really glad.
So thank you very much for all the input.

One of the things I have noticed about me is that when I read someone’s results, I kinda expert the same results, when obviously I don’t get them, since all results will vary from person to person and I still don’t know how to get rid of that kind of expectations.
Worse yet, is that I can’t seem to conjure any kind of positive emotions when visualizing but can’t get rid of negative emotions. I can just make myself sad when I am imagining some stories in my head. If I could do the same with positive emotions, that would be awesome :joy::joy::joy:

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Here it is, I like to do a 7 day attachment meaning for 7 days I will anoint it with my blood (saliva works as well i am just old fashioned) after that is done, carry it with you in wallet/purse and NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE TOUCH IT!!! It becomes a direct connection to your wealth and can be used by a baneful magician to remove ALL WEALTH from you if he knows how to.


Thank you so much ! I will try it.

Quick question Cernunnos, if you don’t mind me asking as I’m new to most of this.

-When working something like this, do you physically hand draw that image, or print a copy of it?
-When you mention the “7 day attachment”…does that mean that everyday (for 7 days) you keep the image safe while anointing it with your body fluid daily for 7 consecutive days?

I’m assuming that, in workings like this, there are different images for different types of desires. Anyhow, thanks for sharing. I do really appreciate all that I am learning here!!!

I am happy to answer both questions for you…

You could just print off the picture and it would still work, but I always suggest hand drawing/painting it for a more personal/stronger connection.

That is exactly what I meant, I would usually suggest leaving it on your alter for the entirety of the week (possibly surrounding it with other sigils for spirits/demons that you wish to help you obtain the riches/wealth in your life) before carrying it in your wallet. Also you would open it everyday (like any other sigil or veve) during the 7 day attachment process.


Thank you so much for your quick and detailed explanation, Cernunnos! I do really appreciate it! I think this is something that I’d like to try at some point (maybe on sigils I create as well). Now only if I can figure out how to keep the integrity of the paper whilst dowsing it with seven days worth of my various bodily fluids :smirk::sweat_drops:

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Two options…

  1. Use paper from a sketching book, mainly because the paper is the thickest and it has no pre-made lines like you would see on standard notebook paper.

  2. If you want it more permanent and have gold paint (gold being the color of wealth in this case), you can use a brand new hand kerchief or you can use a cheap cloth to clean your glasses with (I have found jumbo size at my local dollar tree). Painting it on a small slice of wood to carry in your pocket works as well. Just make sure you show respect by using something that has not been used for anything else (aka a clean slate for energy/intent).


Hello @Cernunnos. So as I understand this works like a wealth “Magnet”? Does it needs to be charged like a Sigil or just adding energy for 7 days?

Only need to charge it occasionally… mostly when you notice the money flow slow down a bit.


Ok…So when it works we stop giving it more energy. Btw this 7 day ritual with our blood on it is necessary for the progress?