Oldest Known Human Texts - Search for Origins

I have no message from you, however, I think you should speak to darkestknight in that regards.

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so weird im literally looking at the sent message from my inbox right now. i swear this site doesnt work well sometimes

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Summerian stuff. But I’m sure there were civilizations before. Since modern humans have been around there have been something like 11 catastrophic world events.
Events that if they happened today would send us back to the bronze age.
Apocalyptic type shit.

So yeah there were very likely civilizations before our records, the Devs just ran so many factory resets we done lost all the data :sweat:


I think the oldest known narrative is the epic of Gilgamesh, but that isn’t the same as oldest text. If it is not, that would be kind of surprising, since humans have been taling tales since the dawn of time.

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@ReyCuervo Prior to writing most tales was simply transmitted by spoken word/paintings/carvings so its not like writting and speach was developed during the same time.

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Well, no, of course no. Speech came first. Many indiginous cultures in The Americas didn’t have writing.

Still, my surprise would be in the fact that any culture decided to write down anything else but a story first. I don’t know if I worded that right, but I think you understand what I mean. And if not, just tell me, English is my second language and I still make mistakes.


Does anyone know what are the oldest magickal texts available? Would they be from the Middle East I presume? Thinking about looking at the oldest stuff available.

I’m speculating here and going to assume a lot of things:
If an ancient civilization was ruled by a cruel group, than it would be useful for the oppressed people to have a way of passing information to one and other. Even if only for relief of stress, or to gossip or what ever.
I believe written language was primarily used to record or share secrets. Just like a modern witch would construct an alphabet of desire or something (but then post it on the internet to show to the world…)