Old decks and negative energy

I’ve been into readings for more than 30 years so I bought lots of decks along my life. You know, some decks kinda speak to you more than others, it has to do with affinity. Besides that I have noticed that after some time using a deck it stops speaking. It’s like the deck had reached its limit for the negative energy from customers and nothing can be done to make it speaks again. From time to time I need to buy new decks in order to do readings with good results. If I insist in working with an old deck all I got is nonsensical answers as an insane old person talking. In fact everything dies, decks also dies. Rest in peace old decks! :wink:


You could try wrapping them in foil and burying them in the earth for a few days to purge the built up charge. Depending on duration of use it may be advisable to go from new moon to new moon to do a total purge. If you know a spot they will not be disturbed it should neutralize any charge on them.


@Dinmiatus, yes you can clean and recharge decks several times but depending on how much you use a deck there comes a time the deck is too much old to work properly and it’s not only about the deterioration of the material. There is a belief that an old deck has more power but if a deck has gone too far the better is to change for a new one and start again. I have used some decks along years and have read them for hundreds of people, have done countless readings, some readings I open a complete deck 10/15 times (my readings last about 2 full hours) then despite all cleansings and blessings they stop working or give me just random answers.


@Dinmiatus, I think a brand new deck is like a wild horse, must be tamed, I mean, a brand new deck must be spiritually attuned by the reader in order to start “talking”. After some time of use the deck starts talking lots. With the passage of time the deck turns wise as an old and experienced person, further ahead the deck turns mad as a very old and demented person! And then it dies. Any tools deteriorate with the passage of time. I have had magickal tools that stopped working and I tried to resurrect them without succeed because their time was over. On the other hand the time of a deck or any magickal tool depends on how much do you use them and how do you take care of them, physically and spiritually speaking.


Bury the deck, burn it, or recycle it. You could gift it to someone as a practice deck, maybe. Shred it and mix it with soil to use for plants. Mix it with clay or paper mache for art. Use the pieces as confetti.


Burn it. Get a new deck, even though it can be daunting to program. I have decks I’ll use for others only and some only for myself.


Would that be wise though? If the deck is dead even for a skilled experienced reader, it may hold the learner back even more. JMO. :smiley:


Several years ago I was going through some serious difficulties and a woman abroad told me it was because an old deck which was giving me bad luck, she also said I should burn it to release the negative energy attached from customers. In fact at that time I was using two very old, damaged decks. After that I let those decks aside and started reading with new ones and things improved. In fact new decks are always a challenge, two points: first, if we don’t know the deck we must learn about it (if you buy a copy of a known deck it is easier and jump this point); second, we must feed the deck with our own energy in order to attune it “spiritually” (through meditation and readings mainly). I had observed that things we use to work magic to others tend to be charged with the energy of the people. Decks aren’t exception, readings can be very intense magical work in my opinion. And I also agree, it is a good idea to have your private decks and others to public in general. Now I’m looking for new decks, it is time to discard those which are giving me bad vibes! As a Cancer I tend to be a bit romantic, I mean, attached to such things but the better is to get new tools. I feel new decks kind of open the roads for new customers. It is like those used decks were attached to people to whom they were read. I have clients which always ask for the same deck…


Exactly @Lady_Eva! The old decks have our own energy attached, and customers’ also. In my opinion it is not a good option to gift them because the person receiving could end having bad luck. We can’t forget that decks are “magical tools” and at some point they kinda “get alive” because our energy. If we aren’t going to use them anymore the correct is to destroy them as any other magical tool.


I like the idea of burning and spreading their ashes, also shredding and mixing with soil! Back to mother earth!

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