Since you’re looking for EA Koetting books to peruse,I will add my two cents by advertising the book that left the biggest impression on me.This is a book you seldom hear about,and it is very…autobiographical,in the sense that there is a certain excess of entries and bits and pieces of EA’s personal life.
However,all of these stories tie into occult knowledge,and lessons to be learned.And there are some very useful guides within.The book I am talking about is Ipsissimus.
It speaks of EA’s tutelage under Baba Maharaj,the ascendant master Sunham,it speaks of Astral Projection,and Soul Travel at great lengths.And it completely remolded my own approach to OBEs.
OBEs had fascinated me,as I had had many many very vivid ‘‘walking out of my body’’ experiences as a kid,but as I grew,that began to lessen,until astral projection was as hard as it is to the ordinary dabbler.
Ipsissimus also speaks of ascent as a whole,the antitransmigratory experiene(I did not spell that right),life after death(to a degree),how to work miracles,and on the whole how to strive to embody Ipsissimus.
In this case,Ipsissimus is obviously a reference to the highest degree of Aleister Crowley’s Order of the Silver Star,the OAA(Ordo Astrum Argentum) wherein the position of Ipsissimus is the master.The ideal of the living god that we talk about here.
This book is an incredible one and has a lot of depth to it.It is rather vague,and not as straight forward as his others.And it doesn’t seem like the most useful.At least,to me it didn’t.But I can guarantee that after reading it thrice,and vigorously working through it,I’m not even close to finishing its work and mastering it’s craft.
So I will vouch for Ipsissimus.
DarkestKnight above me suggests Questing After Visions.QAV is good,in the sense that it’s packed with a LOT of information.It can teach you a lot of awesome stuff.Seeing visions,hearing voices,smelling scents.Astral Projection,energizing the astral body,dreamscaping,travelling through tattvas,how to pray and make sure it has effect,the Abramelin operation,how to receive information directly in an incredible manner,how to enter a state of chronolock…and a lot more.
I’m just not recommending it since I know you’ve mastered many of these skills,and I know you may not be interested in quite a couple of the others.I also suggested Ipsissimus because it seems to be what you need.
You seem to need something that guides to a form of generalized ascent,that’s very Kaula-tantra-y.
It does connect you to a higher self.That’s the whole point of embodying the Ipsissimus.It does have a third eye meditation,and the chapter on how to work the miraculous,happens to contain some of the most powerful meditations I’ve used.It does greatly teach you how to expand your magic,and it does teach a LHP approach to mysticism.
On the topic of Evoking Eternity.That’s the first book of EA’s I encountered.Obviously,it’s amazing,as it taught me how to perform evocation.It’s very picturesque.And it teaches you how to evoke spirits,yes.It teaches you how to strenghten your senses.It teaches you what spirits are,and the many divisions,obviously excluding some entities(the fay coming to mind).It teaches you some other stuff,like evoking two spirits at a time,and then four(like the archangels or other watchtowers).It has an angelic pathworking,a demonic pathworking and an elemental pathworking.Which is to say,three lists of spirits to be evoked in that order in order to gain a greater understanding of their systems.It teaches you how to evoke a legion of spirits,how to evoke as the worshiper and servant rather than the magician,and how to transcend things like circles and triangles and such,and evoke with your mind.