
Hello everyone:)

I had an experience when giving azazel an offering and I would like to know what you guys think it could mean…

So, I burned a little bundle of my hair as an offering for azazel(I had it inside a note for him, thanking him for all that has already passed and will still pass), but the paper and hair burned slowly… it did burn completely, but just very slowly… does this signify something? like is there a reason why it burned slowly? cause I thought hair would light up instantly …

i have done offerings before to azazel, but I have never used my hair before (but I did come across many posts on this site and others about azazel, that azazel likes that hair as an offering)… I was just confused if it had a hidden message, because normally hair would burn up very quickly…

I would love to hear what everyone else thinks about this and if you have any ideas if this meant he liked the offering, or something else completely.

I used to try to interpret those things when I used to burn things in spells and rituals (which I don’t do anymore, they were only papers, sometimes with blood or semen), and I never found a direct relation between the way the fire reacted with the chemicals of what I was burning and the actual effects of the operation.