Offering healing and "scanning"

If you are still offering I am interested. Thank you

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Sure. Pnce I get back from the gym

Interested in a scan as well pls

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i’m interested for a scan if you’re still offering that.
but for aura and entities to be specific. if you can.

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Uh is the reply for me or someone else?

Throat, quads and lower abdomin

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Knees, under the chin

Upper and lower back

Can i get a scan please when you have the time? Thank you :blush: :pray:


Hip bones and shoulders

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Fore arms and lower abdominal

I sense a spider and some thing hard to see

Souls of the feet and under the chest. Maybe lungs?

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Thank you so nuch

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Thank you so much

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i don’t understand … spider where ? and what thing ?

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I am interested

Hold on

There is a spider spirit and a unseen spirit around you

can I get a scan?