Offering healing and "scanning"

Hello, if you are still offering scans, I would like to request one. I have an unidentified cause of chronic migraines and tummy issues that are also just shrugged off by drs. I would prefer to be pm’d and will post back on this thread :slight_smile:

Seems very accurate, I was expecting the shoulders and chest due to very bad posture all the time, Although the forearms was very unexpected, do you have any idea of what it might be?

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Anyone need a scan?

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I’d be interested if you have the time, though by all means don’t rush it if you’re busy with other things. I’ve been in an odd headspace for awhile, and have felt very torn. I’m sure it’s not a spiritual ailment, moreso just an environmental struggle, but if you could act as a second opinion to make sure I’m not being harassed outside of that it would be appreciated. If that’s too much, just go by instinct and lemme know whatchya see/sense!

(note: I work with Spirits and Guides so if you notice “extra” presences chances are they’re meant to be there lol)

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Can you please scan me?

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Could you please scan me and let me know in pm

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I see a women wearing a red dress trapped in a house with four rooms. Each one including the one she’s in is pitch black and cold. Discomfort.
I can hear voices in the background but they are saying nasty things to me. Or her.
She is smiling and whispering something to herself, a mantra is sounds like.
Every time I close my eyes and say your name I feel this presence. It’s really happy and calm. I don’t feel threatened or scared.
She turns the lights on and slams every door in the house wide open. The women runs out the room straight into the wilderness while laughing. “Hope” is the words she said as she ran away

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You’re surprisingly good at this.
I politely demand your future friendship!


Shoulders and lower abdominals

May I get a scan please? :grinning:

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What is it?

Hips and throat

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May I have a scan please? Let me know in PM

I’m curious on a scan, I’ve never developed (or tried scanning), I normally have to be on a phone call, in person, or they need to be emotionally close to me. To pick up things…

Hi, I would like a scanning too. Thanks in advance :blush:

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I want one please thanks

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I would like one if that’s ok?

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are you asking for one or or never did one?

Knees, Hips, Neck, top of the head and lungs

Right side of chin/jaw
Right eye
Top of hamstrings under the glutts

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