Hello beautiful people I hope you are having a splendid day :slightly_smiling_face:
I previously made a post about gods for my desire to work in peace keeping and helping people

In my research I was suggested to work with the all father to understand the spectrum of good and evil and their presence on Midgard. Working with the wise one is something which I had already done in the past.

  • I had synchronicities about Odin since I was a little kid and huge ones in my first years in high school but since I started occult my calling to Odin increased ten folds

  • I did the eye of Odin ritual from asbjorn torvol

  • I did some offerings to the all father and prayers to him
    But I would like to seriously start working with him and to experiment his blessings, teachings,presence,guidance in my life to really see what he is like
    Since a LOT of people had Intrest in learning about Wodan I would like this topic to be a page where everyone can put their:
    With the one eyed wanderer

Magical blessings to all


Hail Odin


Hail All Father


He is like a giant with big heart. Like a nice meber of biker gang. He absolutely adores telenovelas and old movies. The best offering you can give him is your devotion to change and shape yourself to the best version of yourself. He will send you into madness… You eill become so crazy that you will get sane from it :smile:. I recommend him for all who wants a great father/uncle figure.

That’s really intresting my friend thank you.
how do you work with him ?

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With evocation. He tells me some theories. I also like to watch a kung fu movie with him. As he tells me what can and cannot be done. Plus he loves movies from my country so he tells me a lot about behind the scenes moments.

The best thing you can do is to simple talk to him as if he was there. Respectully but not way too formally. Simply as if he knew you and you wanted to learn about/from him. Which is actually true. You will find yourself feeling his energy and then this energy will start feeling information from this energy. It is insanely hard to describe but this is as vlose as it gets.

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Hail the Allfather