I dont do heavy enegry work anymore but i thought I create a open dialog and discussion about various things you have witnessed during time working with the chakra system and enegry work in general.
So the main chakras I focus on are this and i wil write what I have noticed from it.
Sahasrara (crown) - occult powers ive noticed with this one it allows ,me to communicate with the dead and my higher self mainly.
Ajna(third eye) - this one allows me to perceive sprites,aura,astral projection, feel and direct spiritual enegry
Vishuddha ( throat) - this is a new one for me but when i focus enegry while talking it allows me to put more power in my voice. I use this specifically when I make music. Stil discovering the implications of it.
And those are the main ones i use but what are some of your experiences.