Not sure which entity to work guys...RCS4215

Cool, I put “work with” - PM if you want a change! :thumbsup:

My suggestion is that, since you’re going up against a canny fellow who has his ancestral faith and tribal customs intact, a very powerful thing (and hence the one under regular attack around the world) you may want to summon Duke Cohzier, which is familiar with the Abrahamic god and its currents, and was active in combating the troll god and protecting people from the malevolent effects of the three main monotheistic faiths.

Belial also has a bigger dislike of religion than almost any spirit I have encountered, and along with Azazel, you have a good triad for knowing the kinds of shielding he has (probably inherited, rather than consciously used) and influencing him towards seeing the reailty of the situation.


I’m glad you were able to work with Ma’at for this ! She’s an awesome goddess to be around


I’m working with king paimon but I’ve been talking to him over what’s happening with my neighbours and what they are doing is interfering with my study eg trying to kick my door down, loud music, shouting, banging and threatening me. The more I report them to the council the more they bother me. King paimon advised me to move and not to stay there so I’m staying at a friend’s. The council as given support from shelter, I had the meeting with the workers, I obviously asked well begged king paimon to be there to give me a little moral support and he did I don’t know how it happened but I have got to have an assessment for priority on medical grounds, on which king paimon will be with me every step of the way. I don’t know what to do go back to my flat and have someone else helping me with them as my friend has not internet I have. Also I have explained to king paimon I won’t be able to get much if any studying done as it’s going to cost. It’s cost me £5.00 at an internet café and I’m on benefits. I might have a telling of as that money could be towards food or other things