Not saying please

I’ve read several different posts that say never say please to a demon, but be respectful. I am old school from the south. Please and thank you are ingrained in us. Hell I think it’s part of our dna. I don’t mean saying please in a begging way. But like a petition spell when you ask a spirit to aid you. What would be wrong withvsaui g would you please aid me? I read one of EA’s summoning Belial, and he said please show yourself to me. So I’m confused.


There’s nothing wrong with being polite. I think being polite shows a certain amount of respect for the spirits you’re working with. The important thing is if you’re sincere when you’re asking for something. And if the spirit shows up and decides to help there’s nothing wrong with being grateful.


Thank you for your reply. That was my thinking too. When I finally get up to where I can evoke them. If asked DC a question I might TV answer yes/no ma’am/sir without thinking of it just out of habit.


I always say please and thank you to spirits :man_shrugging:

Being polite does not negate your authority as the operator in any way. Manners show respect.


I always say please and thank you so they know I respect them. But also to let them know I appreciate the importance they hold within my life. I believe it’s an honorable trait to be polite to whoever you are working with whether they are human or spirit. I don’t think any demon would appreciate you demanding things. Respect should be common practice among these relationships.
Just my take :slight_smile:


I 100% agree. I would like to thank everyone for helping me to see and understand that using manners is being respectful. Since I am a still wet behind the ears newbie, I an trying to learn and absorb all that I can.

I can’t really see any sense in that, because ”please“ is kinda ingrained in pretty much anyone who has been raised to be polite, I should think. Be respectful and be yourself, and if you’re a polite person then that’s perfectly fine. Another thing: don’t take everything people write here at face value, because sometimes, they tend to speak from their own perspective, which isn’t necessarily applicable to your own personal situation.


I’ll be honest, i’ve never said please but I’ve said thanks and I guess that’s worked before.

Come to think of it, I guess these people meant not to say please in a submissive manner, like begging. That I can totally get behind! Never grovel or beg. But other than that, I stand by what I said earlier. It never hurts to be respectful.


I guess you can thank the demons for helping you, but not in a submissive manner.

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I agree with you. I doesn’t hurt to be respectful.

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