Not offering blood

I’m not a fan of pricking/wounding myself to get blood. Is it okay to use other offerings in replacement for blood in spells and evocation? Is it also okay to use menstrual blood instead as well?


You can offer other things, I’ve never did a blood offering but it all depends on what the demon likes / wants, I know Belial love blood for exemple but you could offer food as well, art or other things.


There are plenty of magicians like myself who never offer blood. It is unnecessary. There are plenty of other options, like incense, food, and liquor.


Not necessary I’ve done it once but I understand especially if someone used to self harm , it could be bad for them.but to my knowledge it’s not necessary


I’ve never offered blood other than menstrual. Lucifer told me it wasn’t nessesary and then I didn’t listen and no matter how many times I tried to cut or prick myself to offer some I couldn’t get myself to bleed! So i took the hint.

I normally offer sexual fluids or sexual energy. Insense, food, candy.


I collect my menses and freeze them in handy portion sizes - otherwise I use an auto click lancet. I actually love the blood gift to a deity if they want it. Love love love blood magick. Maybe it’s the Angelina/Billy Bob in me…

Wouldn’t force a lover to give me any though.


For me I never just assume they might want it anymore. I will only give it if requested, and I’m actually seeking a bond/long term working relationship with them. I’ve never given sexual fluids before because the thought makes me uncomfortable. I’ve given sexual energy a few times, but again I felt really awkward and rapey about the whole thing.

Liquor, food, incense, candles, art, word of mouth etc all seem to be just as appreciate depending on the spirit. I’d say ask, and most will let you know one way or another. For me when Belial wants something, it kinda has a way of just popping into my life. Randomly gifted bottles of liquor and such. Odd because I don’t drink, and everyone in my life knows that.


Nice to hear I’m not a fan of the ideas of Sacraficing creative energy/fluids (sex) or blood. I’m new to Magick and I thought they had their place for some people but not me.


I sacrifice sexual fluids and menstrual blood to my spirit lover. :blush:

I’m a big fan of blood magick in all its forms. I’ve sacrificed my own blood, a dove, a wild hare, and a chicken. I think the power that you get out of blood is pretty potent. But it’s not for everyone and I know several magicians who don’t use it and they’re very powerful. What they offer instead, is food. Save a portion of a meal and give it to the spirit. It’s your magick and if you don’t want to offer blood, you don’t have to. Demons and gods of lust and pleasure happen to prefer sexual fluids anyhow, if you happen to be working with one of them.


I always offer food like that and I find it effective. My spirit lover loves my sexual fluids. :blush:

Blood all day long!

Balls to the wall.

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If you’re not interested in giving blood then definitely don’t be giving menstrual blood either. It’s super super super powerful and should only be used for those you’ve established a long term commitment to.

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I’m only using my menstrual blood to my past life husband spirit lover that’s why he doesn’t want to leave me.

I offer myself. “Come into me. Possess me”. Don’t know if it works yet. I sense things around e sometimes.
A few weeks ago, one came into my bedroom while I was laying in bed eyes closed.
Had a hateful sense to it. I observed it for several seconds, hands off, mouth shut, then moved on mentally. Did NOT engage it. Leave them alone and they will go away. (Sometimes).
I am still waiting to be levitated in bed. “(Good luck with that one).”

true, I never offered blood to demons except for these few times where I somehow accidentally already was bleeding and thought it to be a good idea to use it for a ritual, or to empower all of my magick circles.

Otherwise I have done successful evocations without it.

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I had a spirit lover just for a moment, it was very nice and mystical though it lasted just a few days…
it was very cool though… :slight_smile: I called her Angelika and she appeared as a girl I was in love with at that time @ school and was very romantic… :slight_smile: I talked to her before going to sleep and asking her to take me into another dimension with her, astrally…; Then another guy came over, a natural magicians having retained all of his magical skills - very cool guy - and helped her to get home, she happened to be his sister, (from a past life, I believe) though all is in the here and now…;

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I úsely offer incense, food, Flowers and something to drink, but sometíme like in case of King Belial and Duke Sallos They asked for Blood and im not a fan to cut my self but the experience with King Belial i promised him Blood in the ritual but i cannot pick my self with the needle (now buy lancet for that case) the point was after 2 days i was on construction working at home and thinking about K.Belial and got my finger a deep cut when i was just piking a piece of a brick so i grab the sigil and full it with Blood, was wierd the situation but effective the ritual was success.
But in the case of another spirits the energy was low and with K.Belial and D.Sallos the energy was intense.

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I just signed the pact with my blood.that was offerings.
I got what I wanted.
Thanks to Sallos