Not new but here anyway

Hey y’all. I’m Heath and I’m from Texas with a southern slang. Ok seriously I’m not new here and I’m just returning after 3 years.

So. I was in a bad car accident this June 19 2021.

All my family showed up and I was told by the doctors I almost died. But none of my organs were punctured and my spine is okay. I’m only here to walk again and I want to walk soon so I can get out of here I’ve been away from home for almost 3 months now.

I am going to share the dreams I had during my coma. I was told in my dream got all my family passed away except for one of my brothers. And the weirdest thing I dreamed of three nurses that were trying to help but at one point I was trying to get out of the hospital I felt like a prisoner I could walk in my coma. I was in Arizona at this club and met a voodoo woman and she told me something about a curse about the women were vampires inside my coma and they were and it was not a pretty sight they tried to drain my blood it was one battle after another inside my coma. But I discovered something more. I discovered the element of water is the most beautiful thing that showed up in my dreams and that element gave me peace while I was going through battles and things during my coma and they said inside of the water I had a voice that my name was Cortez and that I was a creature underwater half human half water horse and I remember and that I had power over the water. It was beautiful and when the nurses and the dream discovered what I was they wanted it to do experiment so I ended up being kept in a room just without but one of the nurses couldn’t stand seeing me suffer and you know what those nurses were actually real people that I met in the hospital I was so shocked to find them there. People I dreamed about were real people is what I discovered and I dreamed of people I never even met and did meet. I also was told at some point that higher beings were working to build technology or medical purposes and that he’s higher being where wanting to help humanity. All of this happened during the dream and my coma.

It is a very emotional experience of what I went through like right at this moment tears flowed out my face just wondering he was trying to get me to give up so I could pass away because I’m too stubborn for my own good and that’s a good quality. I will never forget the day I woke up from the corner I saw all my family that I thought t was dead standing with me in that room. And that was my greatest joy. I keep being told my life was spared and I believe it but I don’t know who helped me pull through but whoever helped me they took the form of water that gave me peace when I was dealing with all that crap during my coma. So it’s very emotional for me to talk about it because I’m so grateful to be alive and still functioning normally. I was told that I was the most popular person in the ICU in the hospital because I was in critical condition and when I woke up and started recovering getting back to normal everybody was shocked including the nurses. You don’t know what it’s like until you’ve been through something. As far as being in a coma goes and what I’ve experienced I was not ready I fought and fought and fought.

During my time my mother kept playing scriptures of the bible in my ear. For a little while I’d pray but I snapped out of it. I been repairing my relationship with Belial a Don I made a contract with a long time ago. So it’s not new to me but I been in a warfare for my soul and for freedom.


Hi Heath, welcome (back) to the forum :wave:t5: Do you remember your username from your account 3 yrs ago? Was it anonymized? If you remember any of the details, @moderators can help you if you desire to have that account back.

Hey I appreciate it. Lol. No I don’t remember that far back. I think it had the name Paimon in it though. Like I said I don’t remember.

Welcome @Belial8 Please tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. This post tells us nothing about you, and does not meet our intro requirement.

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what, exactly do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific systems, or traditions?

Sorry. I am on a phone and been taking care of personal business.

My intention in sharing the fact I was in a car accident woke me up to a reality. I had a near death experience. I saw and experienced things that shocked me.

I for one am Heath, my path is that of a mage and I practice shamanism as well as other areas like high magick with Daemons. I study and read like sources of satanism, demonolatry, kabbalah, runes, Celtic ogham and mysteries.

My biggest area of interest and practice is applying Arthurian tradition with demon magick. I find they are compatible. I mainly work with goetia spirits and pagan gods and goddesses of Celtia as well as faeries.

And how long have you been practicing?

Since I was 17 years old I’m 38 now. Gah… I feel old lol.