Is it possible to get visions while scrying while not being in the theta gamma? After reading more about the theta gamma sync on this forum and elsewhere I dont even think I’m getting into it while scrying. But when I scry I get a lot of the same effects that I read on here. Cloudy mirror almost some grey sparkles in it and then intense violet green and it kinda hovers above the mirror, but I never get full visuals on the mirror nothing after those colors, just the same with more intensity.
However I was scrying yesterday while laying on the couch with just my eyelids and had complete colored visuals of real images after the colors started I saw this woman as clear as someone in front of me or on tv, and I saw her in many different scenes. At first I forgot what I was doing and then recognized I was seeing clear people and was most definitely awake. It was awesome I have never seen that before ever.
Before I knew what scrying was while going to sleep sometimes, often on days I had meditated I would see somewhat distorted images and didn’t even know about scrying, I chalked it up as imagination.
So is it possible to be able to do this without the sync? And how much better will the effects be if/when I can get into this state?