Not getting results using 72 songs of solomon

Hi guys in the thread about 72 songs of solomon

it says that after one play of the song the spirit is present , so one time is enough right ? or do i need to repeat the song for the spirit to appear
because i was using this method and was not getting results or do i also need to chant the enn and stare the sigil like he says to do it

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The thread you linked literally says right at the top to “make sure you listen to these songs on repeat.”


How many times i need to listen to it ? Is 2 Times enough ?


Here’s a quick checklist:
-Can you feel or “see” spirits?
-Have you evoked the entity before?
-Do you have item matching it’s correspondences?
-Do you have other things set up for the evocation like a triangle of art?
-What is your purpose, Letter/Pact/First Contact/Gnosis etc?
Depending on your answers you might have to listen to this for hours if not days before having any result matching your expectations or only 15min.


No. Listen as many times as you can.

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darkestknight sorry to say this but i think what you said is wrong , because here it says this

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Nope. Not wrong. The OP just contradicted himself.