Norse Scouts

What if there was a scouting organization that did not involve national or religious influence. Instead there was a focus on Norse mythology, Norse beliefs, and Norse imagery. At meetings, a scout master would read stories of Norse myths to the scouts and discuss it. I’m not talking about a literal belief in the Aesir and the wights. I’m talking about using the myths as anecdotes and the belief systems to teach morality focused on getting along, respecting others, accepting differences, standing up to bullies, and finding clever ways to solve problems. Beyond that, the organization would teach many of the same skills the regular scout organizations would. Actually, girls would do and be taught the same stuff as boys, though they’d still be separated. Badges would be in the form of Norse symbols and runes.

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You have just described religion. The only difference between what you suggest, and Christianity, is the beings used in the anecdotes.

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I’d have to agree with DarkestKnight, that and as I’m currently aware heathenry does this very thing. Although, not to the full extent of your explanation.

Yes, it’s basically Asatru based scout troops. Still most people don’t know about Asatru. Someone posted about a satanist program for kids. I said I don’t think that’s a good idea. I consider satanism for 18+. And that it will draw negative attention. An Asatru scouting program will go under their radar and teach kids about some very basic moral concepts. Sure, highly religious families will show their disapproval, but they’ll disapprove anything that doesn’t have the cross stamped on it. Atheistic and moderately religious families will look at the Norse themes as being cute. If the program teaches kids both good skills and morals, they won’t care. They’ll keep sending their kids in.

Besides, Asatru isn’t the worst religion out there. It can be presented to young children, and older adults, without upsetting their sensitivities. You can take some great lessons from the myths and teach them to children. From what I’ve read, the focus on Asatru morality is to the people. Asatru isn’t so focused on piety to some divine figure as it is just getting along and caring about others. Even if a disbeliever knew of the Asatru religion, they wouldn’t care as long as it’s followers were good natured people. What a scout master might say to these parents is “Yeah, I believe in the gods, but niether you nor your child have to. I’m just sharing the lessons they’ve taught me. I’m not converting anyway.”

I mean depending on the sect spiritual satanism teaches from some perspectives self respect and embodying the archetype of satan which is pride, but not in a unruly way, but more in a way that it’s basically having you not let people walk over you and seeing everyday as a day for you to make your own kind of ideology.

However, Asatru tend to be close minded since the Rokkatru sect came about but they are accepting of the Vanatru.

You just contradicted yourself. In your opening post you said:

Then, when it was pointed out that you are talking about religion, you post this:

No matter what religion, whether Christianity, Asatru, or whatever, if you are using it to teach morality, ethics, and proper behaviour, than it is religious indoctrination, pure and simple.

People here love to denigrate Christianity, and the atrocities done in the name of its god, but revisionists really like to avoid the fact that the followers of the Norse religion (Vikings) were known to attack other tribes and peoples, slaughter the men, old women, and children, and abduct and rape girls of child bearing age. It is from them that we get the term “rape and pillage,” after all.

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All the nuance aside, the Troth has discussed this on and off, just not publicly. Generally speaking it’s a doable and fun idea but there just isn’t enough interest in it in concentrated enough areas to make it work.


The Boy Scouts were originally Mormon, if I recall.

Asatru groups I am familiar with already do virtually most of what has been discussed anyway.