Non human Spirits or Gods who can not understand the english language

Do they exist?

Say I write a note in english for a Taoist spirit or God to read. Would it need to find another spirit to translate the message for it or do all Gods understand all languages?

[quote=“HLBtrident, post:1, topic:2467”]Do they exist?

Say I write a note in english for a Taoist spirit or God to read. Would it need to find another spirit to translate the message for it or do all Gods understand all languages?[/quote]

No worries, I think they use google translate just like we do.

I don’t think language is a barrier to them as they work on a level much below verbal.

I think speak in the language the operator understands. Otherwise, how else would something such as a grimoire that was translated into Latin, French, abs English get understandable demons for somebody using another translation?

If they couldn’t understand you, then that means that by definition they’re neither omniscient nor omnipotent, and are probably not going to help you in the everyday world because they don’t understand it (or, perhaps, just don’t want to).

There might well be entities like that (who have no interest whatsoever in human affairs, maybe) but they’re not the ones you’re going to have much joy working with, and they’re probably not the ones in the grimoires, ancient texts, and so on.