No offense but

No offense but I know a lot of so called witch and magicians are fake. I thought all of them are fake too. However, I just realize that power of christianity will not be lay on his bed and do nothing if someone with real shit stand up and declared the world that magick is existed.
Christians killed uncountable people by the names of witch, destoryed several amount of
Books by the name of GOD. In these time, they were just dumb war heroes who just want to destory everything. What if these days christians
who have controlled all of this planet ,know that magic is real and someone show real shit.
He/she will surely vanish with no traces.
Of course, same for the books.
They control 80 percent of world economy.
They will surely do everything to protect their power. My point is, fuck this world. Fuck this system. We are forced to blind. For me,
I want to know, I want to see but I realize it won’t happen even if I try hard. If they exist, they will show up. If they don’t, they won’t.
Thats how I decide, right now. I am too tired of
BS stories and puzzle talk…

There are some people who refuse to believe the truth


i don’t think magick is like that where you see fireballs coming out of your hands. Magick is more subtle behind the scenes influence of spirit plane to influence physical.


I never had any in your face proof for myself with indirect magick (like rituals and such) however, I do admit I’ve seen some questionable direct magick stuff (direct energy work type stuff)

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Me too but it doesnt satisfied me. Questionable circumstances sometimes happened and I memorized them well. I just dont satisfy with that.

Entirely off topic but… for fuck’s sake, I was thinking who is this guy?!

Nice to see you, R!

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Lmao hi

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sorry guys…I just said what I feel.

I was talking to @anon48079295, who recently changed his user name. I just realized now.

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OK… then. HeeHee.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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What was the point of this post?


christianity vs magicians that might not even be real. that’s what i got.


@KK_Z if you are afraid of Christianity, go become a Christian. There is magick in Christianity too. Refer to the books of Baal Kadmon re Jesus Magick, Mary Magick, Saint Expedite Magick.