NLP in Magick; Gaining a verbal and Psychological edge

Neuro Linguistic Programming is a fascinating field, full of many theories and potentials. Are there people on here knowledgeable about it? If so, would you share your ideas and experience?

This could be an underutilised dynamic, yet it seems there is much depth. It seems concerned with how you say words, what words and what tenses…a way to bypass parts of the brain, program the subconsciousness and influence yourself and others.

I am curious if people on here use NLP much in their practice or in gaining an advantage in personal, social or business situations with others?

Yes, loads! :slight_smile:

I also use it in magick, “anchoring” especially and I use a version with scent, whereby the essential oils and stuff that saturate a piece of clothing I wear for some kinds of work takes me right back to the very beginning of learning healing, all the excitement and growing sense of self-respect when I realised I was GOOD at this, and then broadened my practices way outside the limitations, and so on.

It’s like every time I’ve worn it, there’s a snapshot tied to that specific odor that links every moment in time.

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[quote=“Darsinda, post:1, topic:7306”]Neuro Linguistic Programming is a fascinating field, full of many theories and potentials. Are there people on here knowledgeable about it? If so, would you share your ideas and experience?

This could be an underutilised dynamic, yet it seems there is much depth. It seems concerned with how you say words, what words and what tenses…a way to bypass parts of the brain, program the subconsciousness and influence yourself and others.

I am curious if people on here use NLP much in their practice or in gaining an advantage in personal, social or business situations with others?[/quote]

I studied NLP a little in 2013. Dr Richard Bandler would be the one I suggest you watch / learn from as he’s one of the founders of it, you can download his full seminars on torrent sites. And he’s funny too lol

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A few good books:

  • Tranceformations
  • Frogs into Princes
  • The Structure of Magick I & II
  • learn about different Trance states…NLP is basicallly Hypnosis Conversational and Non-Verbal street Magick.
  • Learn about Trance Words
  • Learn about Pacing and Leading, managing your own Trance States, and Awareness of your Nonverbal and Verbal languages as this plays into how you project/interact/mirror.
  • learn about Reframing
  • learn about Anchoring.
  • Trance States: spiritual practice and beliefs, and other things like conditioning influence and build trance states…which affects your aura and how you project yourself.
  • learn about the psychology of people and how to build Language Patterns. Etc…because Words are not just words =)

Thats just a short list. There are many booke and systems on the internet. The Structures of Magick can at first he boring verbose, but it will teach important things.

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Advertising companies use pictures to gain this effect by making you think of a product on a much more personal level and not just something you buy and use. Like the latest Coca Cola commercials in the U.S. they show a man and woman hugging, madly in love and they say share a Coke with your loved ones!

I snarl my nose at that commercial like seriously, I’m supposed to associate a soda with my loved ones and memories past? Like who would fall for this crap? Then I look around the room and see my mom suddenly splitting a Coke with my daughter completley oblivious to the fact that the commercial just talked them into doing that and associating the act of drinking the Coke with family time.

I have a photographic memory and I can drive by a building or street and immediately remember the last song that I was playing 6 years ago when I drove down that same street, and I began to associate that street or place with that song. There is a local freeway, every time I am driving that stretch of road for some reason I think of Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline, Coal Miner’s Daughter, and that one song pops in my mind “well if I hadn’t cheated, and if I hadn’t lied…”

I use associations with words and pictures when selling my products online, instead of just showing them the product, I give my customers something special they can associate that product with, something that prompts them to want to buy it, expecting that the mere act of making the purchase will give them some sort of special new memory to look forward to while wearing or using that product, or something to trigger old memories they may have had with that product if it is an antique. Like a sugar cookie scented candle, I will inspire them to think back to their childhood and the smells of grandma baking her homemade cookies at Christmas time which triggers a happy memory for these people and prompts them to buy the candle thinking it will allow them to revisit a piece of that memory in modern day time.

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By the way, I found it highly strange that I am watching a Tv show based on this concept right now and I log in here and someone else just happens to be discussing it. I have been using these tactics for quite some time but as Eva mentioned you can branch out to include all of the senses when experimenting with this. The more senses you can activate with your chosen methods, the more personal it becomes to the person you are trying to target and they no longer see the item you are selling or the class you are trying to get people to attend as just something to do or interact with, it becomes much more personal to them when you reach inside their mind and really grab at them with something they can relate to.

Like the scent thing, there are certain perfumes or colognes that I smell and it reminds of a guy I had a crush on in high school that wore the same cologne or a my best friend in 7th grade that moved several states away that I haven’t seen in years. The brain actually functions in multiple ways based on associations. The show I am watching says that technically, we see black and white objects as having color sometimes because the brain has learned to associate those objects as being colorful. The reason why people ask “Is this black or navy blue?” because technically the object is pitch black but the mind tries to overcompensate for the lack of color, causing many people to see it as a darker shade of an actual color such as navy blue or even deep purple.

The brain learns to associate the color yellow with a banana, purple with grapes, red with an apple, only because that is what we believe it should be. Even if a toddler technically sees the banana as red, thru conditioning and programming the toddler’s mind is later changed to see the banana as yellow. If done right, one could take a toddler and convince them that a banana is blue, keeping them away from the fruit aisles at the store and keeping them away from Tv that would show them otherwise, then suddenly expose them to a banana at age 10 and they would clearly see the banana as blue even though everyone else around them says no, it’s yellow. We only associate certain colors with fruits because we are taught this in preschool and kindergarten, which is the reason why everyone sees the objects as the same color because we have all been taught to believe a banana is yellow from a very young age by parents, teachers, and books.

Knowing this, the way the brain lies to us to make the world more 3 dimensional so we can be more aware of our spatial reasoning, so we can spot danger more easily, and so we can more easily identify the differences between one object from other object, we can use this to our advantage and manipulate the brain which can help with magick. I have been doing intensive studies on psychology, quantum physics, movement, and the 5 senses and trying to figure out how these things work below the surface because I feel if I can pinpoint what causes these reactions then I can figure out how to reserve or change them which can benefit me with visualization, meditation, astral travel, the law of attraction and so forth. By getting rid of or temporarily putting aside the boundaries our flawed minds have set for us.

These things may not seem to have any relation to magick what so ever but if you believe that then you are just not searching deep enough to find the link between them. This knowledge has helped me immensely with my magickal studies, and I mean immensely!!! You must first know how the body and brain operates in order to learn how to control it, and when you learn how to control or manipulate the brain and the body then you can begin to devise ways of breaking thru those barriers and using it your advantage both inside and outside of the body and apply those techniques to your magickal studies and abilities.

The way we see colors is technically because of whatever color of light that object is unable to absorb and that object reflects that color back to our eyes but when you can get down to the hardwiring of our brain you can teach someone to see colors differently because the psychological portions of the brain are always more powerful than what the eyes and ears can detect. It’s how magicians (illusionists) fool us because our eyes can see how the magician is fooling us IF we will train ourselves to be aware of it and see it with our physical eyes but the illusionist uses tricks that cause the rational and/or creative portions of our brains to take over and completely blind our eyes and ears so we no longer are capable of observing what is right in front of us.

By doing something that triggers one portion of the brain, or even two, to take over temporarily, the brain gives priority to that section of the brain only and completely disregards what is right in front of your eyes because your mind has to pick just one sense to focus on, just one main task to dominate your thought centers at a time and it will always shut your other senses down for a brief moment in favor of thought process over the 5 senses, so by distracting your senses and triggering a chemical response in the thought centers you can do things in front of someone but cause that action to disappear in plain sight.

The brain is the biggest liar on the face of the earth. Our brains lie to ourselves WAY more than we lie to other people around us. And if you can figure this stuff out you can break past some of the barriers that seem to impede probably about 87% of sorcerers out there like not being able to reach TGS, not being able to activate their astral senses, not being able to train or trust their own intuition and psychic abilities, not being able to effectively use the law of attraction to cause change in your change and having to stick to systems and pre-planned lengthy spells instead.

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Yeah. So that is pretty much why I said one doesnt need to be rich, popular, good looking, good at a skill or whatever else to influence or attract someone. Most of the games society plays has things rigged, like the dating game for example which is designed to get you to spend big money where it is corporations and other businesses reaping the profits… Whereas with two people in Love they do not need “stuff” to get it on.

This is one of the Uses of NLP…though it requires you use normal communication and creativity to get past those barriers. Magick just goes straight to The Source. But it pays to k ow how to talk to people in a more refined way so they are not just communicating magickally and spiritually only.

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