Nice Guys Who Are Alone, A Magickal Question

I would advise finding a way to channel this darker self into a way to make your life the one you want. If it is of a destructive and violent nature use it and channel in your life and your magick to remove obstacles to your goals and evolution. This also applies to obstacles made by self.

I have been down some dark tunnels of perspective, hell at one point my mother had a spilt bet if i was gonna end up either epic as hell or a criminal mastermind. I chose to be epic and found that channelling these impulses towards more constructive forms helps.

Darkness is a part of self. Repressing it only forces it to find vents to manifest through. Often less pleasant vents at that.

Stay epic! :+1:

  1. Nice guys who wear fedoras, of course.

Belial would get most of the astral sugarwalls, without a doubt, but a nice guy who protects m’lady’s honor at all cost and respect the shit out of her is by far sexier than Belial to all women (including you), with no exceptions.

Just imagine a guy that treats women like they are some kinda Goddesses even if they have never earned it and always shit on him and always humiliate him. A guy that will never hurt or disagree with a woman even if they try to kill his own son. A guy that would happily stay with his wife even if he finds out that she was passionately sucking-off her own brother, first cousin, father-in-law and her biological son while he was working his ass off to provide a roof over their head. A guy who will always lick Milady’s feet and have no self-respect. A guy that hates his own gender and blames himself and other men for literally everything bad and evil that has happened since the beginning of time. Sounds sexy, right?

It’s good that some women are actually being verbal about this shit and telling others what they actually want.

Guys do all the ‘treat her right’ bullshit and then get brother-zoned in the end and still refuse to accept the fact that nice guys don’t finish last, they are not even in the race. In most cases, they will only be used as a tissue paper (in some extreme cases, toilet paper) by girls. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a very few girls that still value nice guys and love them for who they are, but those girls are a microscopic minority, not the majority like what we are made to believe.

Food for thought - Why do so many girls stay in abusive relationships with assholes and why so many girls cheat on their partners who were pure gentlemen?

And the love for 6 foot + guys… Ah! I shouldn’t even touch that topic! LOL!

I believe a very big problem among today’s youth is that the girls are not true to themselves and most guys believe in whatever bullshit they are fed about “love” and attraction.

I once read somewhere on the internet - “Ask what a woman wants and then do the exact opposite”, those wise words… Those wise words deserve a full 48 hour documentary.

:joy: Dabs

For all the people who are offended by this post - Read the bold part of this post.


LOL! :joy: That emoji made this 15000X better! :rofl:


Alternating dark/light in no discernible pattern works best for me.

Too dark:
You’re getting laid but it’s churn and burn. You always have to work on replacing the bitches because they go and suck other cocks on purpose to get back at you for your chaotic behaviors.

Too light:
Well everyone knows where this goes. Friend zone, getting used as a tampon, etc etc not fun. Tbh I’ve never been used as a tampon I guess there’s that natural aloofness in me that women sense.

How to do it?
Here’s a simple thing any nice guy can implement no matter how entrenched their nice guy ways are:

  • when you’re with the girl, be the ultimate nice guy. Give her as much attention as you want. Listen to her attentively etc etc all that shit nice guys like to do so much
  • then when you’re not with her, don’t engage her in text. Train her to only expect that attention when you’re in a face to face setting. Better yet, don’t go out and meet her unless she’s the one asking you out. Just give one word answers and tell her you’re doing something and gotta go

Caveat: You should be working on other stuff in your life anyway. Pick up hobbies, start some moneymaking projects, go on a meditating regimen to separate yourself from your monkey mind, etc etc

Repeat this step with all girls in your life and soon you’ll have a small harem of 3-4 fuckbuddies asking you out for a drink and a fuck.

All the best


All the pussy: only True Self/God. But given the two choices presented, Belial because it is possible that this entity could facilitate a shift in consciousness that allows acceptance of the reality of success in this department.

Hats off to you man,I would just shot her ass at that moment.