Newbie here

Hi everyone, my name is Demi. I’m proud to be a part of this community. I’d looovveee to connect and to learn more about biokenes, sex magic, and working with spirits…well basically, I want to cause things to change at will. I never want to be hurt or hurt anyone, but I just want to be my own God/magician. I want power over my own life. I was raised as a strict Christian but I always knew there was more to learn, be, do, and have. I can’t wait to connect with you all.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested. However, you haven’t told us if you have any experience in magick, and if you do, what that experience is.

What do you practice, if anything?

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Honestly. I grew up Christian so I’ve always had to hide what was really inside of me due to religious fears… I no longer feel that way… Yes prayer has helped over the years but I really know that power resides inside. Usually I can get things to work in my favor by the power of my mind and thought but then I’m left kinda confused as things that I really desire doesn’t come to past. So I’m ready to step into magick full force. I’ve been trying magick for years…As of lately, I’ve been doing little spells such as jar spells to turn situations around, freezer spells, candle magic but they seem to be of little help. I’m starting to feel like I need spiritual assistance to work with. I’m on this site seeking help, a friend(s), and knowledge to get me to where I need to be. Thank you!


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

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Welcome I’m new too

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