
My interested in magic and alchemy came from my interest in Alan Moore and Grand Morisson.
The concept of creativity and tree of life intrigues me since I’ve read the Fuco Pendulum and something from Hermetic Trismegistus.


Do you have any actual experience in magick, or are you a beginner?

I’m quite against the concept of experience in magic as it makes the magic an institutional thing to a certain subcultural degree. On a personal level which can’t be distilled to any magical tradion and can’t be transmitted by any means(as the deal of a magica in our age is to make dark things in terms of understanding even darker) - I’m an extremely experienced magician :japanese_ogre:
But on a conventional level with worked out spells and rithuals, I’m a newb and intend to stay on this level, for obvious reasons.


That makes absolutely no sense, but okay. Welcome to the forum.

That’s the whole point, dude :wink:

Whatever, man :roll_eyes: