New to elemental magic

Hallo! I have been wanting to start in this path but I can’t seem to find any good books on the subject. So I am wondering if you guys have any good book you like to share?

Initiation into hermetics would help

The Celtic Golden Dawn by John Michael Greer seems like a pretty good place to start, I’ve only just started it myself but so far the Rituals feel pretty powerful.

His books are white magick based but Scott Cunningham has a book called “Earth, Aire, Fire & Water”. It’s all about elemental magick and becoming one with the earth.

im starting to really get interested in elemental it true you must work with Paralda first before you can reach the other elementals.

The Practice of Magic : An introductory Guide to the Art by
Draja Mickaharic ( around 9.95 plus s&h ) fr Amazon 152 pgs

Read the book from cover to cover at least twice ( then re read chap 9 on Elemental Magic chap11 on Natural Magic then chap 12 Learning Natural magic.

It’s an easy read as well as all his other works. None of his books are loaded down theory and philosophy. ( This guy and EA Koetting is the only practitioners I learn / practice from. )

The Joy of Satan ebook has the techniques in the Power Meditation advanced section. They base it in large part on the Initiation into Hermetics.
Their Satanic Grimoire of Black Magick and Satanic Witchcraft pdf books also deal with this. Practical techniques. Not just a bunch of theory.

[quote=“jbkbmz, post:7, topic:5406”]The Joy of Satan ebook has the techniques in the Power Meditation advanced section. They base it in large part on the Initiation into Hermetics.
Their Satanic Grimoire of Black Magick and Satanic Witchcraft pdf books also deal with this. Practical techniques. Not just a bunch of theory.[/quote]

Just ignore their racist nazi ideologies.

I dont know if they are racist, but if they say you can obtain anything you want under black magick including the opposite sex which I remember reading, then they would sorely be contradicting themselves to the point of embarrassment. I woukd have to see precise evidence via pictures or some visual showing that they are like side by side comparisons.