New member

Hello, I am a new member here and making the suggested post by the system and that I’ve seen members suggest in multiple posts. I have been working with magicks for 11 years and have a semi expansive household of familiars. Recently I have hit a major slump and am having serious issues with meditation, communication, and projection, yet I still recognize when I get responses and remember the ropes for general workings. I am looking to learn a lot to bring my communication back to a heavily developed level and will be searching for mentors/threads that have knowledge on it. Temporarily I am at odds(on my behalf, I’m sure they are not phased) with Lucifer and Paimon and so they are not resources i will be working with in the foreseeable future. Anyone with tips or questions about me feel free to message me for discussion purposes. Thank you for any and all welcome, as well as the wealth of resources in this community. I look forward to working with all of y’all in a positive way and have high hopes for the future


Welcome to the forum.

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Thank you. I look forward to building friendships here

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