New member slime doll ❤️

Hello. My names Li Li. Im 25 and i have been watching videos about rituals etc for a little over a week. And I’ve been google stuff about certain spirits and demons and it lead me here and im glad i found the site.

Im new to all of this. I became interested way back in high-school. But something made me stop. It’s probably going to sound dumb. But one night i went to a scary movie and later that night i had sleep paralysis, the entity wasnt sitting on my chest but floating above me. It scared me at the time, and that same year i woke up in strange positions, i would wake up with both legs crossed and my arms spread wide like a cross (like i was put that way while sleeping), the next day i woke up and it looked like the sheets were pulled off of me and when i stepped out of bed the carpet was wet in one small spot. I didn’t have a pet at the time and there was no leak i assumed an entity had been trying to reach me. Around that time i had started smoking weed heavily and it caused me to no have as many dreams etc.

I always felt like something/someone was with me, protecting me but still putting me though trials and tribulations. Because im not doing something right (not sure what that is) im not getting my desired outcome in life. So now I’m in search of a new spiritual path.

I have been reading the forum allllll day, and so far i like it here.

I want to be able to summon a demon and i want to be able take control of my life in ways i never imagined. I have always liked the picture im using for my profile pic it says “i am a god” and it very fitting now. Any who i can keep typing for dayssss :joy:.

I feel like i will learn a lot on this forum .


Welcome to the BALG forum.

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Welcome to the forum!

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