New member intro

For my introduction my name is Julia and I live in Minnesota, USA. I have never practiced magick before and am just starting to learn about it.


Welcome Julia.
I’m new too, but you’re in the right place. :+1:

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Tell me a bit about your situation, don;t have to get to personal, but I want to understand you a bit better. You come across sincerely but without much to go on or knowing your approximate age its hard to give proper advice.

I have read all your posts and I assume Lucifer is who you wanted to contact? What made you chose him or do you feel chosen?

Amethyst crystals are good for breathing issues and the respiratory system in general, you can pick them up quite inexpensively.

Where do you see yourself 3 years from now? I think writing this down would be good for you, The energy I pick up from your posts is not really negative but I also don’t feel you focus on the positive either since you seem to have set your mind to the “I can’t do it” cycle.

Start out by just talking to Lucifer, he hears you, forget TGS for now and all the technicalities that come with it. Light a candle for him and just talk, tell him who you are, what your about and why you sincerely seek his guidance. Draw his sigil, to the best of your ability and don’t worry how it looks, your intention is there and thats all that matters. Say his enn a few times before you start talking to him, think of it as a respectful invitation and just pour your heart into it.

Well that probably a good place to start. It there one that speaks to you or maybe there is something you want to improve in yourself or accomplish with your life. Love, money and career are always top three LOL

I have yes LOL