Hi all. I am 26 from Australia. I did practice for probably 4 years in total. I did see some crazy stuff in my time practicing but later brushed it off as coincidence. Also, it did cause mental health issues for me, almost self induced psychosis or something like that. So that’s why I’m not doing invocation or anything internal. I’m making it my goal this year to really give it 100%. I want to actually see something physically and audibly, I want to get touched (or attacked lol) or have an object move and I will not accept anything less because you can make shit up in your head and convince yourself it’s real.
I will be doing evocation. I still have my circle of pacts, incense and charcoal discs and EA Koetting whole book set. My main tasks I have in mind are all business and sex related.
I will keep a log, and may record videos and see if anything interesting happens. Also setting up sleep recording.
FYI I have a lot of occult tattoos, like the circle of pacts around an inverted pentagram and Lucifers sigil. But I had to stop because of the mental health issues it was causing.
If you have any advice for me I would really appreciate that, as I’m basically back to square one.
Invocation primarily. I couldn’t get evocation to work properly though. I couldn’t get into the rapture state and then crossroads where the incense starts glowing and the spirit forms in the smoke where you can see it, hear it, touch it and even smell it. But I did get close a few times. It felt like I was about to pass out.
I will only be doing evocation using EA Koettings system, as I hate the ceremonial parts in other systems.
I would also like to add. The only spirit that actually made crazy shit happen was King Paimon. I was in my basement doing an evocation and I felt a huge presence and this big heavy vase that was on the ground got pushed over so hard and the table started moving a bit. I fucking shit myself and said what I wanted so fast and got out of there. Maybe he was in a hurry? Haha
In terms of seeing and hearing, this will to a large degree depend on your sensory acuities. I’ve had objects move from time to time, but very rarely. Its one of those things that, in my experience anyway, will just its thing in its own time. I haven’t had success trying to tell direct something to make things move.
Good timing. We have a working group working through the book of azazel here at the moment. It has already started, but its very early on, so you might still be able to join.