New Magician

Hi! I wanted to introduce myself. My Name is Sabrina Eloha. I will be relocating soon but currently live in Pittsburgh, Pa. I have not defined a Magick of preference yet. I will have to get back to you on what I need help with and how I can help as I am learning more about Magick. I would like to start with Belial. Thank you!



Do you have any experience in magick or are you a beginner?

He is very wonderful I hear and he is kind as well also hello and welcome when every your ready just feel free to ask and many of us here will help

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HI and welcome :slight_smile: What made you choose belial to work with?

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I was watching one of E. A. 'S video’s and he recommended Belial to start out with.

Well he’s the first of the gate keepers, not the easiest ancient to work with as a newbie LOL but he’s full of surprises

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Thanks for the advice.

Please answer my question. What experience do you have in magick?

This is helpful to know so we can provide advice tailored to meet your needs and properly weigh any advice you give.

Im just learning. No real experience. I’m in the studying stage.

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Welcome to the forum from the southwest desert. We have a great group here, enjoy your stay.

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So is there something about your life your’e looking to change or something your’e aspiring towards? Typically you’ll choose an ancient to work with that resonates with you and your’e intended goal.


I’m so new to this my mind is spinning. I’m just listening and reading. Got a lot to learn.

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I will log on as often as I possibly can. I’m really reading a lot. I luv what I’m learning but it’s overwhelming too. So much I want to read right now all at once but not possible. I’m gonna try and book a Astro reading with Bill very soon.