New Here

Hello, I am a new member here. Warm greetings to all.

I have been a Theistic Satanist for about a year now.

I’ve prayed to/praised Satan, and called upon the names of the Seven: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Belphegor, Mammon, Beelzebub, Asmodeus. (Hail, Satan.)

And recently every time I close my eyes I see pentagrams along with other symbols. Different colors. I’ve seen the Sigil of Baphomet, different colors of the inverted pentagram (green, red, white), and also a pentagram on fire, and the Sigil of Lucifer.

I’ve also had dreams of snakes, and I’ve had a dream where I rose from my knees in worship to Baphomet sitting on the throne.

I’ve also had physical affects as well, sometimes I can feel what I can only describe as ‘dark auras’ surrounding me, and strong feelings of desire and lust.

What does this mean? Im not in fear of these dreams and feelings, nor am I scared or anxious, I actually find sensations of bliss and comfort. I’m curious to what this means.

Thank you for any of your helpful responses.

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Welcome to the forum.


Could mean a lot of things. The way things look to you, may only be specific to you, though, so it makes helping a little more difficult.

Have you tried evocation? It is different than praying. If you get answers from your prayers, then that sounds the way to go. Otherwise, I would look towards the Clairs and evocation.

Hello @zaewop999 , I am DezRa welcome to the BALG community, and I wanted to thank you for sharing with the forum. You have found the right place for learning, teaching, and obtaining the knowledge in all areas of practice. I know you will be a great addition, and you will find a wide variety of knowledgeable people to aid in your path to ascension.