New GOM book release on Enochian magick by damon brand

I won’t go sacrificing pok just cuz I get results


Good for you

I will say this, the Enochian Angels aren’t any more Christian than the demons of the Goetia are.

We all know the Lesser Keyt of Solomon has a religious bias because the threat of execution for heresy by the Church was a big thing back in the time it was written. The Enochian system is the same, and has a Christian flavouring only because that is how John Dee received it. It is his flavouring, not that of the angels.


All that is needed is not gratitude for the results… How useful do you think gratitude is to an entity… Lol…
“I am an entity… I shall serve my master… Then he shall give me gratitude and thanks. This is my purpose… To get as much gratitude as possoble”

been working so far. =o) it’s more respect than anything else and good attitude with the beings you work with.

So they don’t have beef with demons… Why did I almost go to prison cuz of them??..
They are under the demiurge thou… Right?

maybe cuz u don’t respect them? or u piss them off or ask wrong?
then again , it comes down to preference. if u don’t work with them then so be it. Just don’t preach it to others that they are bad cuz they aren’t.

Magick are tools. angels , demons are just different flavors of magick.

Good… Progress is good

:joy::joy::joy::joy:Ohh dear

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Just as you can say theyre good… So can I say they’re bad…

they aren’t good or bad. they are useful. A tool is dependent on how you use it. it can be use for bad or good.

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