New Current

I am thinking of starting on a new current. Just diving right in head first, and letting the Spirits guide my way. I am thinking of the Lovecraftian Current, Voudoun or the Qliphoth at the moment. Any thoughts? For Voudoun especially. Is this wise? Can I just go off an invoke Papa Legba with no prior information? Does anyone have his Veve?


The lovecraftian current is good for diving into the nature and mechanics of reality to better harness these concepts to low magic. Least that has been my experience with it. I have a habit of coming to entities with a “teach me to do what you can do” mentality. As a result most of my interactions have to do with learning.

This is why i ended up exploring the path of smoke. Cause i had some more evolving to do before going deeper so i didnt “get my brain melted” as the crawlng chaos and cthulhu like to put it.


@Dinmiatus Low magick?

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My use of the terms low magic or sorcery :Magic geared more toward change outside of self

High magic or alchemy : magic geared rtoward change in self.

Majority of what i do focuses on the later.
All it is, is a difference in goal.


@Dinmiatus I am mostly looking for Spiritual development.

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The crawling chaos is able to lead you to methods for that as well. Outside of learning mediation and basic energy work most of my development has been through practical applications of magick, never really focused for long on devolopments from books as much.

If i need to learn a different meditation to achieve a specific goal the spirits in my life have a habit throwing books related at my head for lack of a better term. Lately its more like their using my head as a projector :expressionless: its useful but the timing isnt always good. To which they always say im wronf and their timing is great.


The Lovecraftian/Cthulhu current is very powerful. The Old Gods are very raw and alien. If that’s something that interests you, the Draconian current offers similar power. Primordial beings are beyond understanding in full. (The Draconian current also offfers several variations on the Qliphoth, my personal favorite being Tiamat’s brood). Asenath Mason authored books for both currents, and S. Ben Qayin does extensive writing on the Lovecraft current. (Although, it’s best to read Lovecraft’s own dream-like hypnotic work first).
As for Voodoo of any kind, it’s actually not very hard to research (Haitian Voudun is harder to research than Louisiana Voodoo, though). The religion itself is very Christian but the Ancestors are accepting of anyone wanting to travel the path.


??? Ancient African religion. Developed before Christianity was a thing right???


This was my first exposure the current when i was young (alot of people may say too young) but it works. Tyson’s books are also good for forming a connection to the current.


@Dinmiatus Not terribly interested in reading a work of semi-fiction for this though. Rather just go and get into the magick.

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Okay so this gets to be a bit historical.

So, the Voodoo most people think of is actually a syncretic religion of West African Vodun of the slaves in the Carribian and Deep South America and Catholicism of the Spanish and French and various other Christian sects of the elite white slave-owners. In fact the original Vodun is compatible with Christianity and so most of the syncreticism was from people choosing folk saints to hide their true religion to the Catholic Church, and eventually many people in the religion became Christians because of the similarities in the belief systems.



@SabahSnoblod I am talking about the one EA talks about. The unsyncretized one. Voudoun I believe.

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That would be Haitian Vodou, which he plainly states in his videos. His playlist of videos pertaining to the topic are titled “Haitian Vodou”.

Some videos of Haitian Vodou are also available on YouTube. Below are some interviews with Vodou Priestesses.

The only thing Koetting does that is differently from what the Pristesses do is take away the Christian concepts.

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You’r more than free to jump straight into magick, i would still recommend looking over his works after though. Foe this current his work acts as a method for substantial emmersion into the current and contact with the old one.

This is similar to how some will research an entity before they evoke it. But you can certainly start with contact through magic. I believe Asbjörn Torvol took a similar approach recently with papa legba

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There is no difference between so-called low and high magick. If you change outside your self you change your self, and vice versa. How could you change the world without changing yourself? The confusion came about in many books of the 70s and 80s which misinterpreted many ancient hermetic texts. As above, so below. All magick is magick.

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Learning about Vodun is the first initiation. Once your up to your eyeballs in facts about the Lwa, go into the wilderness with cornmeal and rum and find Legba. He will take you the rest of the way.


I was going to let you explain this one before I jumped right in, but you did an awesome job summing it all up

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Sumerian is a very powerful current if that interests you.


Thank you :heart:️

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Anytime!! :heart: @FraterMagni

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