New Age Belief Questions

Consider this: how would you choose if you were not presented with diversity/contrast? In a sense, if you were not presented with the “other” you cannot be the individual: get the inherent unity underlying your illusory choice?
What the New Age spiritualists mean is that nothing you experience exists outside your consciousness or perception of it: doesn’t that ring true to you?
As for then Sacred Plant, that’s just some kind of symbolism that they’re taking be an absolute reality.
Don’t work yourself up too much about this: just do what you do and let others do what they do. You’ll be fine with that.

The New Age mixed different traditions (religions and the corresponding esotericisms), Allan Kardec, UFOs… In themselves, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc. are one, yet each “surface” is different, for example Guénon advised to follow a path without jumping or adding another one, at least not before having completed it; he also didn’t believe in self initiation.