New Age Belief Questions

You can test it too.
If your magick works alone, you are powerful without others, if it only works in groups, you are part of a whole.

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I should probably stop watching VSauce on YouTube then. At least for a while anyway. One of his videos once had me questioning whether my fingers really existed for like an entire month straight!!!


My kids do this weekly. Come up with new unanswerable mysteries. Because they’re children, pure and unrestricted by modern science and physics and still able to see beyond this world.

Then they decide what they believe and move on unphased,

Consider yourself lucky :wink:

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Would it be better for them if they never decided what they believed, and moved on unphased, and continued to “see beyond this world” for the rest of their life, or would that be dangerous, and damaging?

I ask myself this constantly. As long as they’re safe and able to exist in everyday life, I’ll leave them to find out.
And watch from a reasonable distance😉

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They’d actually probably end up like me if that happened. Oh, and BTW what did you mean when you said “consider yourself lucky”?

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I suppose that was a subjective reaction when I said that, I’m assuming you turned out alright after the fingers thing, but really what is “alright”
And I do think being able to give usually impossible things consideration is a good attribute (within reason).
Most people take conventional laws as word.

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This is now a new topic I think, if anyone wanted to start a nature versus nurture topic on raising humans to be part of the group for greater good or allowing individual paths to take shape from childhood.

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It needs to be a balance between the two actually. An example is this: People should be allowed to deviate from their family to live their own life, and fullfillment, meaning that parents shouldn’t force their kids to take over the family business if that isn’t what the kid’s dreams are. However, if the kid didn’t go to his own mother’s funeral because his favorite TV show is on, then they’re taking it too far.

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I’m glad you raised this point…it related to this discussion topic

Most of the theory on connectedness and collective consciousness is developed to encourage or force individuals to become part of a group for either the “greater good” or for a personal agenda set out by a leader.

A good group allows you to be a part and remain yourself.

And yes, being a parent means making children responsible and accountable and helping to facilitate personal growth.

And again…you will find in organized religion, cults and dictatorships, there is often a “parent” figure leading the idea of connectedness.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I hated Oneness concepts so much. Maybe I was hearing a twisted version from all the wrong people. Someone once hurt me, and then they told me I couldn’t get revenge, or hurt them back because we were all one, and because of that if I got revenge I would actually be hurting myself more because I am both me, and the aggressor, and so he said I had no choice but to show forgiveness to him, and turn the other cheek!

That is coercion and abuse and I’m sorry that happened to you, I hope they live a looooooonnnngggg time and understand and feel the pain they caused you and anyone else.

It’s also strange how in those situations members are recognized as “children” “brothers and sisters” the “family”.
It’s a good way to recognize a dangerous concept, so they have a welcome to the family model and will you ever be able to leave or be yourself.

“Do” they have a welcome to the family model and will you be able to leave ?
Is what I meant to say.

What I was told about oneness was that we humans did not matter because we didn’t really actually exist, but were rather nothing more than temporary illusions created by The Divine Force which was the one, and only real thing that truly existed. He said we were just a dream within a dream, and as such we were in a way in a simulation, a video game, a movie, and that we were just characters within that, and everything that happened was all scripted out, and preordained, and that free will, and freedom was a lie created by the human Ego. He said there is no me, and there is no you.

And “he” forgot that if that was true then you already knew this, didnt need to be told and had no use for him and any knowledge he was about to impart, and he loses.

And if it wasnt true, then you and him were separate individuals and you had the choice to accept or deny what he said, and he loses again.

People know what they’re doing all the time, and they use it to prey on the vulnerable.

Oneness is such an interesting concept though. You can see it so many aspects of life.
But I do believe wherever it exists…problems grow.

Relationships for example, the idea that you are meant to find one person and then two must function as one, despite everything in nature telling you otherwise.

Another example is death.

Everyone’s down for the whole oneness thing as long as you are successful, achieving growing, aspiring, producing together…
But when one of you is Ill or incapacitated, you are then an individual again and when you die, only you die and the group continues, and you can be replaced.

So if someone punched me in the face, and I punched them back, do you believe that I would actually be experiencing both punches because I am both me, and the puncher since we’re all apparently one massive field of consciousness, whereas if I didn’t punch them back, I would only experience the one punch? Or is that just a hog wash concept?

New Agers butcher and bastardize the genuinely occult to part fools from their money for a living.

The New Ager concept of oneness is such a bastarding of the hermetic principle of correspondence: i.e. As above, so below. As within, so without.

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