Never get injured?

How’s your back now?

It’s better but i haven’t even really been worried about it since we’re in corona anyways , I don’t think heavy lifting is sustainable after the first 2-3 years , human body is not meant for that strain , so I just do high volume now

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I usually use Darkest Nights petitions. Most spirits do enjoy getting their power out there for free. I guess it depends on the deity. Sekhmet comes to mind but she’s one I would not want to piss off

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Vavha fitness has a good video on back pain if you’d like to check it out.

Yeah Cobid is a problem. Hopefully it leaves soon

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i dont make deals with beings so i cannot give you any more advice further than this, imo, anything can be achieved with magick, however, when you make a deal and change your reality, the bigger the change, the bigger the karmic ripple effect may be, because you are changing your karma as well, thats why what is aasked may change depending on request, now…making deals however can achieve changes faster as well so even the requests can change because of this, however, if you want my advice, do not make deals with the Old ones (the Egyptians) rather, try talking to one first (make sure to show them respect, but im sure you knew this) but i highly dont suggest deals no.

for deals I suggest the Infernals, but even here its just a suggestion, as i said, i dont make deals with Beings

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If you wanna achieve that its possible if you can master the elements! Its the same idea as walking on water and flying! It takes a lot though…
I suggest you read the book “Initiation into Hermetics” by Franz Bardon


I’m curious, why shouldn’t one make deals with the Gods?

The Greek Pantheon and my Ancestral Pantheon are open to it and the Norse Gods seem fine with it too as for Infernals not really my vibe anymore

A good friend once recommended this to me maybe it’s time I pick it up!

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it is just a suggestion, I dont believe one should with them, and i am speaking of the Egyptians, i dont know Norse or Greek pantheon :slight_smile:

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In the book magickal protection, demon brand says you can not stop accidents or illnesses altogether as they are part life events but you can use magick to come out of them unharmed or with minor injuries.

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You can avoid them too! The only thing you can’t prevent is death but you can avoid it as much as possible!

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Look into Iron Shirt, Iron Bell, and Muscle/Tendon Changing qi gong.

In these arts, you basically learn to pack your bones, and muscles with chi to make them heavier, denser, and more resistant to injury.

Please note, however, that I said resistant, not invulnerable. Injury can still happen.


I’ll keep that in mind regarding the Egyptian Pantheon

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It makes sense as some things are inevitable. So a pact with a deity for durability would work?

Yeah that’s something we got to face unless you discover physical immortality which is not that exciting

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I remember these arts. I will practice them when I find a good instructor in real life.

its just belief on my part and suggestion, :slight_smile:

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Yes it should

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From my experience no. I’m constantly getting hurt and very clumsy. They have saved me. Such as when I was 8. And a few years ago. They can help you recover but not prevent.

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Like a 100% recovery?