Never get injured?

Is it possible to make a pact with a spirit so that you never get injured seriously in your life and can heal faster? Like heal and prevent injuries to.your joints and tendons?

Nah it’s called eating natural foods without toxins and excess sugar or meat which can cause inflammation , no spirit is gonna manipulate your life path that much so u don’t get hurt or be able to form matter in such a way you don’t get injured

They can help if you get injured , but it is always possible for an injury to occur


You arent gonna walk out like nothing from a car crash but with repetition you can have an amazing healthy life for sure.

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So they could help me heal from a serious injury but other than that, it’s up to me?

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Just keep body thoughts and emotions in upmost well being , I manifested a car crash while having anxiety , and seen other law of attraction YouTuber saying he manifested one cause of fear as well

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I’ve actually known a guy who walked out like nothing from a very brutal car crash. Not a nice person

Ya you are the creator of ur reality , Spirits are even an extension of life source within you , even though they may have more abilities and knowledge than you , same consciousness different form

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Lol I am saying generally.There is a celebrity who survived a headshot from an Ak-47 in my country.But get my point, external forces can kill you.

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I’ll keep this in mind.

A few years ago I could train for hours no problem. Once I learnt about injuries, it changed.

im sure its possible


I guess there’s somethings that can’t be avoided in life

I cured a bone problem from meditating 30 mins for 30 days , focusing on healing and seeing it working , ur mind collapses the wave particles into a solid , matter has no solidarity until in contact with a conscious observer


So if people learnt how to do this and put in the time, they could heal without joint replacement or even heal major diseases?

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Yea diseases or just energetic imbalances within the body some genetically and some from external environment , if you eat fast food everyday that has a shit frequency ur body will manifest that over time as cancer


Likewise if you train with poor form, something is going to snap?

Whats your opinions on sounds and frequencies in healing? Or even subliminals?

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I forgot to add, I mean never get injured when playing a sport or in training.

but like everything in life, ask for something big, what are you willing to give back for it?

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Ya I used to be big into powerlifting style training and messed my back up as a teen , some supplements can help with bone health , those are just manifestations if what your asking for , joint and tendon endurance

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That’s the question. Most of the spirits I work with asked for nothing in return so far but I mostly ask for advice.

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wisdom is good :slight_smile: , but this is a whole different ball game lol

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