Neteru Tree of Life/Death

I have a deep connection to the Kemetic pantheon, although I do lean heavily to the infernal, draconian, and vampyric currents. I recently (FINALLY) after months wrapped up what i had to do im Golacha with Asmodeus, but while i was working with him I felt compelled to summon Nephthys.
For alot of my summonings I have a pathworking that sort of comes to me, I play it out, and either they come to me, or I astral travel to them. This time I went to her, she was pale, older, with a black hood. Ive worked with Isis numerous times, i didnt expect to see her like this. She told me basically β€œit is not time yet. Finish your trials first, then you will do ours.” Now i wanted specifics and she told me finish the Qliphoth, and that i have trials to run with the Neteru.

I probably wont know what it is until i get there, but I was wondering if any one knew if Kemet had their own version of the trees. I asked Anubis if it was the Duat and he said no. :man_shrugging:t4: