This is what i understand to be true, whether you do or not is up to you.
In this dimension there is negative and positive polarity. It has nothing to do with left hand or right hand path so please dont confuse the 2 concepts. Negative Polarity and Positive Polarity is a charge of consciousness, it is how consciousness gains momentum and evolution. Allow me to explain:
In this dimension, one has a choice to make in regards to which path they choose to follow in life as a means to charge their consciousness with evolutionary momentum. The choice is between serving oneself or serving others. Dont consider this binary though because there are crossovers between the two which i will explain now:
There is black and white with shades of gray inbetween in the polarity of consciousness. One leans toward serving others MORE THAN oneself and the other leans toward serving oneself MORE THAN serving others.
The Negative Polarity is about taking from others more than you do give to others. When you take you charge you consciousness with darker energies the more you take. This charges your aura and energy body with an inward flow of energy over time and eventually your aura will flow inwards rather than radiate outwards.
The Positive Polarity is about giving to others more than taking from others. When you give you charge your consciousness with lighter energies the more you give. This charges your aura and energies with a radiating outward flow over time and eventually your aura will radiate outwards.
It is my understanding that to pass from this dimension to the next (not reincarnate after death) you must polarize toward whichever one you choose.
This doesnt necessarily have to do with the occult either, this can be in casual every day life but im focusing on the occult more so here.
In magick you can see the polarity difference between those who focus more on manipulative, primarily baneful, or destructive types of magick as opposed to those who focus on a more helpful route of helping others and healing others.
Now, as i said there is a cross over. Negatively Polarized beings can heal others and help others but are more inclined to want something in return for it and saving the “favours” for people who are close to them whereas Positively Polarized beings will heal and help others without expecting anything in return but can do magick help them gain what they want to. Having
a negative or positive charge to you just means that you take or give more than you do the other, not strictly only taking or giving.
Another way this manifests in magik is the Qliphoth and the Sephirot. The Qliphothic beings are negatively polarized whereas the sephirotic beings are positively polarized.
Anyway, i hope you enjoyed reading this and i hope it helped you in some way.