Needing advice and input on something the spirits are trying to show me

Hey everybody
So a couple weeks ago I was communing with Belial when I asked him to give me a vision on what is halting my spiritual advancement.
After a few random images in my minds eye I saw the outline of a person with their chakra lined up and glowing.
All the sudden all the chakras began to emit a strong light from each one corresponding to their colors…EXCEPT the solar plexus.

So this lead me to think I need to work on that chakra.

Now last night I evoked a demon and after discussing what I wanted out of the relationship I partitioned an invocation.

I was directed by the demon to draw his sigil right above my navel.
I did so and was then told to repeat 3 cryptic words.

When I did I felt the force of the entity (which from what he said was only an aspect of him) enter my body through the sigil.

This was last night and since then the point of entry has been feeling rather weird.

At first it was minor nausea,then some sharp pains,and now its like a pressure.

I feel like there’s a connection between these 2 events but I’m at a loss,and the entity I’m working with (like most spirits) is being somewhat cryptic.

Has anyone ezperiwnced this before?

And I’m no expert on the chakra as I should be but what are the significances to the solar plexus chakra? What does it control?

Any advice would be much appreciated.
The entity has other plans for me tonight so I don’t know if he’s going to reveal anything about this yet.

Thanks in advance


Solar plexus traditionally relates to power, taking action, making changes according to your will, and manifestation.

Pain or pressure could be the feeling of energy moving through a partially blocked channel. It could also just be hunger, extreme excitement, or fear.

All these relate to digesting or assimilating something, transforming an energy into something else through your own action.

Food -> physical energy.
Fear -> survival.


Also the energy of anger could be tied up there, which is again the energy created when something is not how you want it… the energy for change.

Thank you brother!

Ive been going through a rut in the mundane and physical world and the spirits have been getting on my ass about doing more work and becoming the god I’m meant to be.

Looks like I need to quit taking breaks from majick and jump into the mouth of the dragon before I start to see some changes.



This is your Tiphareth. Your own personal SUN.

This is the area of your self, in which the Universe goes from non-polarity / non-sequential to sequential.

This is the area where ‘Universe’ becomes ‘Self’.

Belial is telling you to find SELF. Focus SELF. True SELF. You have to find your higher self, find TRUE alignment, pay attention to it. You can’t fight the will of your SELF, lol.

Good luck.

Thanks Gnosis.
I’ve been letting mySELF get in the way.With the depression and drug/alcohol addiction…hell I wouldn’t be surprised if my higher SELF is fucked up laying in a gutter lol.

Well it looks Luke I’ve git a lot of internal work to do.
Maybe I’ll speak with Raphael to help me with this.

[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:5, topic:3423”]Thanks Gnosis.
I’ve been letting mySELF get in the way.With the depression and drug/alcohol addiction…hell I wouldn’t be surprised if my higher SELF is fucked up laying in a gutter lol.

Well it looks Luke I’ve git a lot of internal work to do.
Maybe I’ll speak with Raphael to help me with this.[/quote]

Nah, your higher self is just fine.

What you have developed is EGO. This is blocking the will of your true self, fighting him. You can’t fight yourSELF, or this magick thing won’t work.

Let it all go, and true SELF will shine forth. You have to really just let it all go brother.

Good luck man.

Raphael Is Awesome. Especially when working with chakras.I Once called Raphael (moderm angelic grimoire style) when his presence was felt I asked to have my chakras cleared,balanced and empowered.I WAS VERY SURPRISED WHEN I FELT PAIN IN MY ROOT AND S.PLEXUS CHAKRA INSTANTLY AFTER I Said those words since I couldn’t see Cant go wrong with The divine healer himself. Wise thought

Thanks for the help Gnosis.
Are there any methods you know of that could help me with this besides working with Raphael?

[quote=“Musta_Krackish, post:8, topic:3423”]Thanks for the help Gnosis.
Are there any methods you know of that could help me with this besides working with Raphael?[/quote]

For me, it was doing min-rituals everyday like the LBRP, Middle Pillar Advanced, BRH, practicing E.A.'s divination techniques, talking to spirits…spending time in deep meditation, solitude…

On top of this I do my Kabbalist meditation projects.

You just have to find what works for you, there are so many working methodologies out there…nothing is set in stone.

The Yogi doesn’t get up the mountain the same way as the Kabbalist, who doesn’t get there the same way as the Gnostic, who doesn’t get there the same way as the Goetic priest, who doesn’t get there the same way as the Chaos magician…etc…etc…but each one still gets to the summit.

Find what works for you.

Good luck

The most effective for me was chakra clearing by doreen virtue (had my first eyes closed hd image projection using this)…and xtrememinds kundalini activator . I can share them with you if you want em NOTE:she invoked st michael when she recorded them she even claims that playing them over in a loop in a house banishes and clears the room(its true) so I’dunno if that would be good for the o.p

Thank you Gnosis.
After giving your words some thought they really hit home for me.
Belial and many other spirits have been on my ass about doing more of the work and the only thing stopping me IS me.

Thanks man…I needed to hear that… from a human lol

[quote=“NariusV, post:2, topic:3423”]Solar plexus traditionally relates to power, taking action, making changes according to your will, and manifestation.

Pain or pressure could be the feeling of energy moving through a partially blocked channel. It could also just be hunger, extreme excitement, or fear.

All these relate to digesting or assimilating something, transforming an energy into something else through your own action.

Food -> physical energy.
Fear -> survival.

My friend I have worked with Bengal for a great long time and have worked with him very closely and what I found easy to do to reveal some of the visions or hints belial shows is one night lay on your bed Stare at the feeling and enter the theta and try to uncover the message


Also the energy of anger could be tied up there, which is again the energy created when something is not how you want it… the energy for change.[/quote]