Need your insights and expertise, please?

Well on a wider level, that kind of messes us all up a bit… for one it will be in the way of you raising your kundalini to become spiritually more evolved, but as all we humans are connected through the common unconscious, your pain is felt at a low level by us all. The more people in pain there are operating from a survival level, the harder it is for all of us to raise ourselves up.

And it doesn’t really achieve anything useful although it does make you feel better in a sideways sort of way. You can still regret the past and know you won’t repeat it without hanging on to it: it becomes your personal history and part of who you are, but it is handled stoically rather than emotionally.

So while it definitely feels noble, if you can find a way to even just draw a line under it, chalk it up to experience and go forward with your evolution, that would be better for you and everyone around you :smiley:
I’d say give it time and let it be ok and don’t beat yourself up as the feelings fade, they’re supposed to do that.

makes sense, but it is all my bad karma of all past life times accumulated, and I think its for a reason, to make me suffer, to make me go through life without love, since I was a child I never received any love or affection, when this relationship finally happened I felt on top of the world and the happiest human being, wont lie, but deep down did not know that I was just on borrowed karma for whatever reason like living on a ventilator, when the ventilator shut off my soul was fighting for whatever it could do to save itself, hence the route to spell but when I read your comments, I finally realized the depth of things, and the reason I was born in this lifetime to feel all the pain and sufferings in life, and this relattionship was just a taunt to me on how this life is without love, so I deserve it, i deserve to be punished here and I am open to it to repent and what not. @Mulberry

all I wish is to help her propel forward, help her in any way possible, even if it means losing my self in the process, I just wish to do this last thing, that would give me satisfaction, atleast it would help me know that I did one thing right in my lifetime, I just wish to be that soul that knows it did everything possible in life to make someone happy, to help someone, even if it meant that they would lose themselves in the process, maybe this was the reason that I was born again. @Mulberry please guide me!

Well, I have a different view of “karma”, that I think is more in line with it’s intended exposition of the buildup of energy we get within ourselves as we continue to gain experiences and form relationships as spirits.

“Karma as punishment” is, I feel, a lie: because it’s not a helpful, intelligent or even a fair situation, and I think that’s a great stick to either beat people with, or as an excuse to abuse others, but the universe is actually either more mature than that, or maybe just more logical. I think it’s not punishment at all, it’s not even a consequence - it’s not a judgement, but just a result. A very emotionally attached result, but the emotions are not the same thing as the truth of it.

Results can be resolved, though understanding and healing. Sounds a bit fluffy I know, but being human is really hard, and you’ve had it harder than most. Nobody sets out to create bad energetics, they are in response to something thrown at you, we all end up in circles within circles of perpetuating trauma, and sometimes trying to fix it makes even more in other ways with other relationships and so it goes around and around.

The best way to stop that is to break each vicious circle one by one, which means healing your energy of it, not keeping it going so it causes more misery in the next life. Starting with the big ones.

As someone who’s made colossal mistakes I’d love to redo, I totally sympathise, I don’t forgive myself either - yet - it’s much harder to do that BECAUSE you’re a good person and because you care. But you have to eventually, there’s nowhere else for that work to go and it’s no good to just stasgnate for - eons? How long will you beat yourself up and keep making it worse and worse? … But again, every time someone overcomes these burdens, they also make it easier for others to overcome theirs through resonance with the human species. It’s not selfish to learn and move on, it’s part of how the universe works.

I’m sorry that happened to you and I also sympathise having been in a similar situation. But this woman is not your parents and could love you if she understood better why you can’t act in the ways she might expect. So I was raised by a sadistic narcissist who threw my dad out when I was young: and If you’re anything like me, showing affection is very unfamiliar and uncomfortable, approaching people or asking for anything is scary, I associate it with being punished for asking, while being alone got associated with comfort and not being abused, so it’s easier to fight and push people away in favour of quiet sanctuary.

So I kind of have an answer for that, as while intellectually I have these views about how I should let those energetic blocks go if I want to raise my kundalini, which I do, I can’t approach if from a therapeutic standpoint as I hang on to my coping mechanisms. What I can do, it approach it from an pure energy-working standpoint, and use qigong to remove blocks over time using the qi body, not the emotional body. In that case, there’s no feeling the emotions, you can treat them as impurities and pockets of stagnant qi in your system that do not serve you, and gently dissolve them using a different perspective.

On doing that, as the process continues you find that when you do poke at the emotions using your emotional body, they are less and less intense. The memory and learning remains, and you are a more evolved spirit for the experience, but it no longer holds you into harmful patterns.

Well you already did that :slight_smile:

Two things not to forget:
a) If this was someone else you’d forgive them, so why not you? I know why: it’s a philosophical question for later really.
b) to do this, someone else has to agree to be there to hurt you, and that fucks them up a bit too. Now THEY are also going to be dealing with “karma” later as well

So it’s all around comfier, but not useful to be punishing yourself, and we all would like you to please stop, especially whatsherface, because she wishes that went differently too. :slight_smile:


I think I read all your replies more than 20+ times in the past hour, all I could think or relate was that I must have made a pact or I must choose to live a life full of pain and sorrows, this is why I took birth, I should go through this pain because of my past karma, good or bad, if it was good, I wouldnt have been writing this reply but I am writing this for a reason, mostly because I deserve this pain, all the sufferings in my life, my dad kicked me, my mom and my brother out of the house when I was 16, that was for a reason right? for the first time I was so happy in my life was when my ex came in life, I swear those 5 months were the happiest I ever was and I ever will be, it was all borrowed karma, I wish I could borrow more to be happy for one last time but I also understand there is a reason for everything, it was just life teasing me by giving me a taste of it for once so that I could crave for it all my life to just know how it feels to be close to love but I accept it, and I all I wish is to go through pain and sufferings so I can liberate through all this, thank you so much @Mulberry for being the real OG, if you wouldnt have slapped me today, it would have taken me long and long to realise that I was here just to see the sufferings in my life and not the happy part of it maybe if any other life time, if we ever cross paths, I hope we recognise each other and we can have the same convo maybe not from the suffering part of life but the blessings, I wish nothing but the best to you, may your life be full of happines, wealth, joy and most importantly love, because what I have realised is that having love in your life helps you alot, like alot!

Thank your for the well wishes. I think you’re well on your way and maybe doing better than me, you have the desire for love and relationships and I gave up trying when I was 8 lol
I resonate with your situation, and through resonance we had a good conversation and I learned some things too by being made to think things through! So thank YOU as well :slight_smile:

After that, we’re nothing if not adaptable, our constant is change, and things won’t always be this way, even if you wanted them to be. And that’s ok too.

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Hehe, maybe in other human beings case but I am sure, more than 100 % sure that they won’t change for me, I must have done something really really bad to someone in my last life and hence the reason why I crave to have love in my life, I must have taken someones really bad wishes upon me by doing something wrong.

You can look into that, through past life regression techniques with the help of a hypnotist or using trance state shamanic journeying by yourself. That can be hard, as if you had really bad trauma, reliving it can also be traumatizing in itself, but it does let you face it head on at least.