Need to know if my requests were heard by demons

So here is the boat I am in, this may get long- feel free to tell me I am nuts or just stupid…
I was falsely accused of something serious, didn’t do it, no evidence. But people do get framed and I became quite worried. I tried to use sigils to help me, but have no idea if they’re helping. So can they influence what certain others do or think?
Next I came across Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield at a synchronistic time, so I read it and tried it out. Is this a good usable book? I tried to ask for help from 3 demons with similar but specific request sentences. (Seer, Bael, and Foras). I don’t know if any of it worked or if they even heard me.
As I was wondering this last night, the lamp in the room I was in went out- but the smaller salt lamp and the desk fan which are plugged in to the same outlet stayed on and didn’t even flicker. Then after a minute it came back on, then went off again. When it came on again, it seemed brighter. I think it was a sign meaning ‘yes we got you’ ? Or was it? If so which one, or all?
So should I keep pestering them to give me more signs, redo the rituals, or try someone else? Lastly, I’ve been advised this is right up King Belial’s alley, but some have advised me not to go there since I am kinda green at this stuff.
Any tips or advice on how to proceed would sure be helpful!

Definitely not.

Your biggest obstacle right now seems to be your lust for results. You’re too worried about the magick working instead of trusting the spirits and the process. Demons of Magick is a well established working system that many people have had success with.

I think you are reading too much into a random fluctuation because of your desperation. You want it to be a sign so that is what you see it as.