Need tarot reading help

Hello, I just started practicing tarot, Waites, a month or two ago.
I asked how would a pack with Lucifer go and here is what I got. Keep in mind that I already have 2 pacts ongoing of which 1 is for a long time (till the end of the year)

Could I please get an opinion on this card alignment?

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Looks to me like you’re letting your emotions get the best of you and hinder you. Working with Lucifer will force you to leave what you know behind and make changes in order to find a balance and you’ll be forced to make choices. The last card would indicate you may be stubborn doing this and will close up and be afraid to make a move .


Thank you for taking you time reading this!
I’m not sure about the emotion part, I’m working with Belial and am pretty cold towards people lately. Haven’t been anxious more than the healthy amount even recently.
I am a bit confused since I have much to do and much ambitions and don’t know what I’m gonna get in order first.
I had the nine of swords pop up a decent amount of times lately, is there anything other to that card except that it portraits anxiety, suffering and such?


It looks beneficial.

The 9 of Swords represents you and it means sorrow or despair. It is crossed by the 4 of Staves, victory. This is auspicious.

The Past and Crown cards are both feminine, material energies, my first instinct is that they both represent your financial acumen, but on second thought, they could both represent important women in your life, perhaps a mother and a girlfriend or a wife.

The Root is the King of Cups, indicating that you’re being ruled by your emotions.

The Future is 8 of Cups, or abandonment. But, it is through the abandonment of the past that you attain your wish in the 9 of Cups.

Personal is the Wheel of Fortune, indicating that you’re approaching this pact as something that will reverse your bad fortunes.

Environment is 7 of Cups or indecision, you have so many options that you’re confused about what to do next. This fits well with the 8 of Cups Future, that eventually you will abandon your many options and make the right choice.

Hopes and Fears is The Chariot which represents movement. You hope that this pact with Lucifer will cause you to move onward to your goals.

Final Result is 2 of Swords, Peace and Serenity. If you do enter into the Pact with Lucifer, it will cause you to find peace.

But, you do need to “trim the fat” so to speak and unclutter your spiritual life. Limit your time to those things which will truly encourage your growth.


The nine of swords is known as the “ woe is me” card or drama queen also. So it being crossed by 4of wands which is celebration would indicate to me this is a choice - perhaps choosing to be emotionless and deep down it’s affecting you. The king of cups is a mature man ruled by his emotions which very well could be Belials influence. So what I would take from this reading since it’s a question of a pact with Lucifer is this:
Belial is perhaps teaching you how to close off emotion and deep down right at this moment you need to balance that out. Lucifer will bring to surface things that need to be dealt with and emotions will certainly be part of that. So perhaps that’s what the 8 of cups indicates - moving on from belial at the moment. 7of cups would definitely be Lucifer giving you choices and forcing you examine things - 7of cups is a card of illusion and begs you to look deep before making a choice . The chariot would be all about victory and balance but the 2of swords makes me think you could possibly close up and be afraid. So with this knowledge I’d say go for it with Lucifer but prepare mentally and emotionally for the changes that will take place. Use what you learn from him as well as what you’ve learned from Belial to create the perfect balance.


When I see the 9 of swords sometimes I see letting go of despair or negativeemotions , like working through them


Thank you! I like your reading.
About the future and crown cards, I do not have any significant women in my life. And I doubt my mother will have an important role in this.
What could they tell about the financial acumen?

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You definitely got it about choosing to be emotionless. I don’t know if I should move on from Belial at the moment to work with Lucifer since I made a pact with him to aid me in my ascent about a week ago and I am not to indulge in drugs until the end of the year. Should I leave at that or perhaps seek out Lucifer?


I don’t see why you can’t work with both. They’ll be teaching you different things and as long as you can find a balance and learn there should be no problem


Also, if you are choosing to shut your emotions off instead of deal with things Lucifer will certainly help with that. He’ll uncover everything that doesn’t serve you and help you let them go. Again, balance and purging.


It’s a good sign that my first instinct is usually the correct one.

The Queen and Page are both feminine energies of their given suit. With the Queen being mature and the Page being immature. The Past being Queen of Coins means that you handled your money very well, you were mature with the material. Whereas the Crown card is all about appearances, but we know appearances can be deceiving. But it is curious that between the Past and the Crown you decreased in financial maturity, or at least, that’s what others see. It could be that you are not engaging in the same financial activities that you used to as maturity versus immaturity is equivalent to experience versus inexperience.

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Thank you for the advice. It’s not that I’m choosing not to deal with things, I think that they don’t have a valid basis let me say so. I think that they will cloud my judgement and that I need to use them consciously in my advantage.

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Oh my bad, the queen of coins is future as I took the King of Wands as the singificator.

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Interesting, but no. The Significator is the card that gets crossed and the order of past, present, and future is left to right.

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In the Waits book I read that the singificator is facing the future card, or if he isn’t facing left or right then you predetermine it

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Interesting, I’ve never heard of that method. But, even still, the 9 of Swords faces right.

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I put it like that always, I don’t have cards upside down since i’m a beginner at tarot.

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That’s fair. There are some Tarot readers who never read with reversed cards. So, you’re certainly not alone.

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