Need spell to get rid of neighbours

Please will you recommend a spell to make my neighbours move. There is a woman who lives there and she has two guys who are lodgers with her. They are very dodgy characters, noisy too, just a pain.
I would like all three of them gone or the two lodgers at least.
How can I do this?
Will throwing black salt on their property be enough? Or hot foot powder?
This has to be something that makes them move for good so that I feel at ease.


Have you tried doing a search? There are numerous threads here on getting rid of bad neighbours.

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Hi, yeah I did but couldn’t find any concise answers. I’m not very experienced, was looking for someone who is or who has had success in this area. I want whatever I do to be accurate and effective.


I had success with the Forced Exile ritual from the book Angels of Wrath.

However, it does take time to work.


Changing their minds seem like a more viable option considering you are gambling, new neighbours might be just the same, or even worse.

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I’m willing to take that chance, honestly. Just want rid.

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DERAILING THREAD SORRY…whos on your pic?

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never heard of that, doubt it will work

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Its Taylor Hill lol.


never heard of her, gon check her out lol

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I got rid by a really bad neighbour family that tried to get me evicted from my appartment. Did a petition to Belial to assist on the legal matte rig needed and then i made some hot foot powder that i sprinkled outside of their door for some time.
After the legal stuff was taken care of it didnt take long untill they moves out from the house.


So hot foot powder is the way to go? How many times did you have to sprinkle it before they left?

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Pray to Andras

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Well it did work great for me and i was really angry and filés with hatred when i crafted it.
I did sprinkle it every night for 2 weeks. At that time the attempt om their part to get me evicted failed misserable. After this i stoped sprinkle the powder and let it all go and take its course, they move dont within 2 months.
And this guy was a stubborn old man that hade made many false accusations on earlier tennants and made them move to be gone from him so the idea of him actually moving was wery unlikely so for me it was a great succes.

The key for it all was the raw anger/passion i put in when i crafted the powder and every time i used it.
Second letting it go when i got the sign which ok my case was winning the legal dispute.