Need something for finding a job

So, my course has ended, but now I am stuck looking for a job. I need some “poof” “poof” if you know what I am saying, just to let me stay afloat during this difficult moment. I have been working myself to death during this course, but now I feel that I simply don’t stand out in recruitment drives enough. Sending my CVs and working on my portfolio is my full-time job basically, but it feels like there is 0 resonance or interest in me from the other side. I’ve put all I got into this course, but my enthusiasm/self-confidence are rapidly waning and I really don’t want to slide back into that dark/spiteful place I’ve been in few years ago. Fromy my perspective I am doing all I can, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough.

I am not ready to get through that cycle all over… At least knowing that there is someone/something having my back would be helpful. Yes, I already used the search option, but the spells that I found aren’t resonating with me. I am grateful for any advice you may have.


I found that Damon Brand’s book Magickal Jobseeker used in conjunction with a servitor I made specifically for job hunting worked extremely well and quickly. For me anyway.


what is a servitor and how did you do it if you could explain it to me thanks

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In a nutshell, it is an entity created by a magician for pursuing a specific purpose. If you use the search :mag: function you will find plenty of discussions on the subject.
I suggest you take a look at the Kateriya posts who has made some servants available for all of us to try your hand at. Good luck :wink:


Let’s say I’ve been in the same boat for a while now and I’m also experimenting some magickal ways to achieve my dream job!
So far I have tried Shem Angels avocations following Damon Brand’s method (The 72 Angels of Magick), in the book you can find the angel Sitael that is just right for you. I’ll quote you one of Sitael’s powers expressly from the book:

To Find Employment
This angel is used by those looking for work, and good results are reported by those looking
for a new job, a promotion or a complete change of career. Be clear about what sort of work
you are looking for and you will see progress.

Honestly, I haven’t had any results yet but I am waiting confidently.
Otherwise you can turn to Duke Bune, apparently she is formidable in helping you shake up your business career and in general your financial situation :wink: Personally I haven’t experienced Bune yet but I think I will turn to the Duke very soon!
Finally, very important… I recommend a road opener ritual… it’s essential for everything to flow smoothly. Good luck!


As per Lawrence’s advice, there is some great information on the forum on this.

The one I created for the specified purpose was created using the method explained in Damon Brand’s book Magickal Servitors (which is pretty inexpensive on Kindle). There are many approaches to servitor creation, some methods work better for some than for others.


I recommend Brand’s Magickal Jobseeker as I managed to score a very lucrative tenure position in Italy a few years ago.


I got my first professional gig for my career after calling Belphegor with S Connolly book, Sex Money and Power.

A while later, I think Prosperity Magick by the same author, I called Satan for the first time and got a better job with better benefits and all that….of course having a sense of humor, it was at one of those MegaChurches.