Need hope.. please tell me success stories

Specifically about changing someone’s mind on something? For example if anyone has any stories about an adamant ex lover that INSISTED they would NEVER get back together with them, or just seemed totally impossible, and then used magick/the spirits and successfully got that person back, please tell me stories like that…
Or ANY situation where you manifested the change in mind or attitude of a very very stubborn person. Like someone was insisting they wouldn’t do something, and you manifested them changing their will that they WOULD do it, etc.
I just love to hear these stories. <3


Take a look through the thread i’ll post below under love/lust magick. There are many stories in that thread you can read through…specifically one i titled called Bringing back a stubborn ex lover using santa muerte


I’ve read allllll that thread hahaha was hoping someone might have some more :’) xx


how much more do you need? i mean, there’s nearly 200 stories in there. If 200 wasn’t enough to give you hope in magick, i dont know what will lol…


Because I’m not talking about hope in magick in general I mean personal hope. The 200+ story thread isn’t 200+ stories of the specific scenario I’m interested in, only a couple in there are like that :slight_smile:

There’s a bunch here: Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!


Duke Sallos always helped me.
I found a perfect job
I found a perfect man
I found perfect friends
I found a perfect house
Thanks to him.


I have something similar going on but it’s still a work in progress. Been great so far, though. You’re welcome to PM me if you want to hear the story so far.

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Dantalion :point_up_2::heart:


Hey what’s your method of evoking Duke Sallos

Oral and written pact at the same time

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Oral and written pact at the same time.On Thursdays.Hour of Venus

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And how do you go about wording your pacts? Sorry if I’m asking to much would just love his help right now…

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[quote=“Black_sensei, post:7, topic:35268”]
Duke Sallos
Duke Sallos is the best :smiley:

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I’m sorry if I sound rude but why the hell would you want someone who doesn’t want you :upside_down_face::neutral_face::eyes:

in my case: to vanquish their mind, to prove to myself that I can do it… possibly to boost my own self confidence.


In my case that’s not the specific scenario I’m facing, it’s just the closest I can give to a vague description of the basic points without going into specific detail. It’s not that I’m trying to get an ex back or make someone be in a relationship with me. It is just imperative to my life that I change the will of someone in my life.

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Umm okay :upside_down_face:

How did you go about getting his help? How long did it take and can you please explain your experience a little more? I’m trying to work with Duke to restore my relationship with my partner of 13 years, who I know is under some form of spell/mind control. She is not the person I know she is and can see she is trying to break free from this blocker…

Can you tell me how you expanded your relationship with Duke Sallos? I’m very interested. Did you physically manifest him or was it on an astral plane?